Forgot to give a heads up about how late this would go up. :( Sorry! Thanks for being patient, guys. Remember, save the circle-jerking spam for love memes. If you want to tell someone "omg ilu bb," take a few seconds to think of a reason why. Also, if you comment, try critting/giving a constructive compliment to someone else. Pass it forward, and
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For... heck, loads of comms.
Also other versions of Sam - sam_iam_evans, samantha_evans & mouth2faceratio
And the lesser played characters;
Lisa (v) feeling_emotion
Dr. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy (ST XI) hesdead_jim
Rocky (Rocky Horror reboot) madeintoa_man
Honestly, love, your Sam is brilliant. I really feel his love for Quinn in the verses where we play them together, and it's lovely. Plus, you keep his adorkable side alive, where I feel like even canon is ignoring it lately. <3 Thanks for bringing such an amazing Sam in and making me really start to love the character.
I haven't threaded as much with Leonard but I have equal love for him. He's grumbly but sweet and very fun to thread with.
Basically? You're awesome. That pretty much sums it up.
And your Older!Sam constantly breaks my heart. In a good way, if a broken heart can be a good thing.
Nothing but love, seriously.
I love how you can make Leo gruff and cranky without him becoming completely annoying or losing his compassion. It's a fine line to walk and you do it wonderfully.
Sam...I love how you play him, both as a teenager and as an adult. As Jan would say (in her amazingly geeky way filled with comic references), a hero needs his flaws to truly be a hero. Teen!Sam has his flaws and you do a fantastic job of using them to make him three dimensional.
Adult Sam...this is more selfish squee than praise, but I absolutely love the dynamic between him and Jan. I love that Sam is still a huge geek even after high school and that they can be so adorkable together.
Whatever version of your muses that I play with or the threads I stalk, the characterization is always awesome.
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