Concrit Post 15

Apr 22, 2010 17:05

After a few real-life, maintenance, and password issues, hmd_meme is back! Apologies for the delay! EDIT: Expect the next post in about a month. We'll announce the exact date about a week ahead of time, so watch this journal.

How's My Driving?∞ Comment with all the journals you RP with (and the communities they're from ( Read more... )

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unresolved April 24 2010, 08:28:28 UTC

Caution / Tohru Adachi / fakingafool
Trust / Phoenix Wright / trustingtruth


Phoenix Wright / allforcynicism
Tohru Adachi / itscabbagetime


William Schuester / countingissexy
Severus Snape / sarcastocmoment
The Joker / chaoticlunacy
Roy Mustang / glovesareoff
Kristoph Gavin / devilofparanoia/refinedparanoia

th-that'll do orz


kisameisafish April 24 2010, 13:16:48 UTC
No real crit save for I would like to see Trust making some CR on his own and not waiting for Justice to come back. Phoenix should be much, much more able to do that than Edgey in any given universe and even without memories.


unresolved April 24 2010, 13:19:23 UTC
Agreed- that's my fault. It's time to get him out there, so I'm going to start making more of an effort so that he can start having his usual 20 thousand friends. Phoenix is the type of guy that befriends everyone, after all!


turneverystone April 24 2010, 14:00:18 UTC
*pinches Phoenix's cheeks*

Also you are that Roy :O


unresolved April 24 2010, 14:04:15 UTC

y-yes, the bad one. orz


the_great_elk April 24 2010, 15:04:02 UTC
We love Phoenix.

I wouldn't know I just like Roys.


unresolved April 24 2010, 15:12:05 UTC
Phoenix loves everyone. ;A;



flowwithdestiny April 24 2010, 16:57:32 UTC
Phoenix is kind of a friend whore.

sakdjfkd who got licked


paako April 24 2010, 15:01:57 UTC



unresolved April 24 2010, 15:12:51 UTC

There's a few people I wish I'd added there now. :(


sylladex April 24 2010, 15:34:54 UTC
I honestly haven't seen much of your Phoenix other then the threads you've sent me or things I stumble across, but I can say I really do like him! You've got a good grasp on him -- lawyer especially, and I look forward to playing more with you or watching more of your threads. :)

I haven't seen any of your Adachi yet xD But I do want to! I'm sure you play him well, just like all of your other characters. You seem to have a good grasp (again!) on roleplaying in general, and I really like your Kristoph too! Those icon chains always make me laugh.

So yeah, keep on keeping on, Charlie!


unresolved April 24 2010, 15:44:23 UTC
aadsdfhd thank you! The same goes for you, because I love reading your threads and interactions as Phoenix. It's a lot of fun, and it's also fun talking about Phoenix and being derp with you. ♥

Haha, I play him okay. I'm pretty sure I have a ways to go with him, but I'm having a lot of fun with him at Edensphere. And thank you! I'm glad to hear that, because I've been thinking about my rping a lot lately and whether or not I should. You know, just stop for a while. XD But I don't think I will.

You too, brosquee. :D


unresolved April 24 2010, 16:02:06 UTC
To be completely honest, you diappoint me quite often.

Characterizations are fantastic when you aren't just trying to get something done.


unresolved April 24 2010, 16:07:20 UTC
Fair enough. I can see where you're coming from; I'm a flaky person and I need to stop being in so many games and concentrate on the characters I have instead of apping more. I'm honestly working on that right now, currently in 3 games and cutting it down to 2.

May I ask how I disappoint you, exactly? Like, can I have something so that I can work on doing better? And how do you mean when I'm not 'just trying to get something done'?

Thank you for commenting me, too, anon. I hate when I don't get any crit and can't understand what I'm doing wrong, so I appreciate you coming forward. :)


per_tinacious April 29 2010, 23:02:35 UTC
I hope this comment gets posted...

anyway, holy crap you got a WILL!

I love all your characters, especially the ones you've been playing for years (snape, phoenix) and when the hell did you get a Joker and where can I see him played?

ilu so bad.


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