Name/Nickname: Anna
Age: 15
Birthday: May 23rd
Gender: Femaleeee ♥
What is the area like where you live?: I live in a small, pretty much rural town
Do you like where you live? Or would you prefer to live somewhere else? I'd rather live in the city somewhere. Its too boring here, lol.
Positive things about you: Im friendly and outgoing which tends to get people to like me at first. Im always in for a good time. And Im very fun-loving. Also Im a very good listener. Im no angel but for some reason Im always willing to listen to peoples problems. Probably because it makes my own sound not as bad. Lol!
Negitive things about you: Im a major air-head. Im never paying attention to whats going on around me. I guess you could say.. Im oblivious. Im loud, and somewhat annoying after you get to know me. Haha. Im also terribly clutzy and my grammar sucks (as you can probably tell. Haha) Im a pessimist too.
3 Words to Describe You: Outgoing, Oblivious, Romantic
Likes: cloudy days, the beach, writting, art, photography, shopping, people, lots of eyeliner, peanut butter
Dislikes: mushrooms, violence, gore, dolls
Talents: I can draw.. and.. well thats about it. Lol ♥
Fears: Im terified of being alone. I always need someone else there with me. Wetheir its just to help me get by or to simply make me happy, there always has to be somebody.
When it comes to relationships..
.. What is most important to you out of the following: (put these in order from most important to least and describe why you ordered them that way)
Beauty I know Im horrible. But what can I say? Im the type of person that judges the outside before they can get to the inside. So how a person looks is the first thing that draws me to them. If I get to know somebody, and really fall for them, how they look doesn't matter as much to me. But when I first meet somebody (within my age group) their beauty is what etheir pulls me in or keeps me away.
Personalty Personalty is the next thing that I look for in relationships. If the guy is dull, boring, or average then he doesn't matter much to me. Guys with definite, defined personalties complete with flaws and all, are much for attractive.
Popularity Sense Im a person that bases her life on what other people think of her, I tend to care what people think of my love interest as well. I absolutely hate it, but as much as I try to change that part of me, I can't.
Intelligence Intelligence doesn't mean much to me. If I care about somebody, I could care less what their I.Q is.
Wealth ..Means even less to me than Intelligence does. Like I said up there, ^ if I care about someone I could care less how much money they have.
.. Describe your dream guy/girl:
Hair Color(s): dark/brunette
Eye Color(s): blue ♥
Tall, Short..?: taller than me. Lol!
Body Build: Not too lanky, not too muscular. Somewhere in the middle =]
Age Range: 16-20ish
What type of guys/girls do you usually go for? I usually go for the player-type, flirty, well-liked guys. Simply because Im easy to woo. And it sort of sucks.. because I always end up getting my heart completely broken in the end. Because I take the relationship so seriously and the guy doesn't. I know I should be with someone dedicated and honest but I can't change what Im attracted to.
When your in a relationship with someone, do you have an expectations from that person? Yes. Just basic, obvious ones. I want whoever Im with to be dedicated to me and feel the same way about me as I do them =]
Do you tend to take control over your relationships, make decessions with your partner, or let him/her dominate? As much as I'd like to say that I make decessions with my partner, I don't. Im a push over. Haha.
Are you dependent or independent? Im extremely dependent. Like I said in my fears section, I can't be on my own. And that stands true for relationships as well. Once Im in with somebody I have trouble coming back out.
Describe your dream date: Just as long as Im with my date and having a good time, I don't care what location Im at &heart;
Do you plan on getting married in the future? I honestly don't know right now. Sense Im only 15-almost-going-on-16, as of now I say 'no.' But that could very well change. Commitment doesn't sound like a very fun word. Haha
What would you do?
You figure out your partner is cheating on you. Well thats happened once, actually. Haha. What I do is kinda pathedic: I go into this whole "NO HES NOT NO HES NOT" kinda mode and I don't let myself come to terms with the situation till I end up being the one getting dumped. So to answer the question more simply- what do I do when I figure out my partners cheating on me? I cry. Thats what I do.
You're really in love with someone, but you figure out that they're in love with someone else. Would you try to win them over? Or would you be too heart-broken to do anything? Honestly, I would be too broken-hearted to do anything. If I put my heart on the line, and its denied, I get somewhat defensive. I would just move on and give up on the person all together. Im not much of a fighter when it comes to love.. or anything really.
You've been courting someone for a long time now, and they still are not interested. Would you move on or continue tring to win them over? If they showed even the littllest bit of interest I would continue tring. But as soon as I get the hint that whatever Im doing isn't working, I move on.
You notice that your partner has been acting differently lately. You find that they have lost a very close family member/friend. Would you continue to stay with them and be there for them even if they felt indifferent or would you move on to someone else? I would be there for them. Especially if someone they loved had just died.
This or That
Shy or Outgoing? Outgoing
Sweet or Edgy? Edgy
Quiet or Loud? Quiet (Im loud. Being with someone quiet should balance me out alittle. Haha)
Serious or Funny? Serious (once again, to level me out)
Flirty or Timid? Flirty
Optimistic or Pessimistic? Optimistic
Open or Resserved Open
Head in the Clouds or Down to Earth? Down to Earth
Sophisticated or Easy to be around? Easy to be around
Someone who takes chances or Plays it safe? Takes chances
Normal or Different/Strange? Different =]
Intelligent or Creative? Creative
Stamping Information
Would you like to be matched with a boy, girl or both? A boy
Do you only want characters from a certain HM game or do you not care? I don't care. Whoever fits me =]
Please provide links to 3 other applications that you posted in:
1. --
2. --
3. --
(Well, Im the first person to post here. And I also happen to be the person who will be commenting everyones application atleast once, to stamp them. So...)
Who do I look like?
Gender: Female
Skin Color: Pale, Olive
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Type: Straight
Body Type: Slim, Tall