Happy Holidays, keerawa!

Dec 31, 2013 20:45

Title: Everything to Bid, Everything to Lose
Author: The Jug Band
Written for: keerawa
Characters/Pairings: Joe, Methos/OFC
Rating: G
Word count: 6,000
Author's Notes: You asked for a scenario in which the Watchers got something wrong in Methos' chronicle and he wants it corrected, but it occurred to me more that Methos would care less about his ( Read more... )

methos, 2013 fest, ofc, joe, gen

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Comments 19

dkwilliams January 1 2014, 06:20:21 UTC
Interesting story. I loved the little tidbits from the past, interspersed with the present. And then the surprise revelation, which made me go back and read the earlier bits to see how I'd missed it.


amand_r January 7 2014, 17:16:14 UTC
Thank you!


tryfanstone January 1 2014, 13:49:16 UTC
Oh, ouch. I don't know...this is so beautifully and neatly done, and there is brightness in it, and yet there's a loneliness too here you never define, and - the story, though, is gorgeous. Really lovely work.


amand_r January 7 2014, 17:17:10 UTC
I think Methos spends a great deal of his time in a melancholic state when considering the past, and so he forced jocundity upon himself. This is my theory.


tryfanstone January 7 2014, 18:11:16 UTC
I cannot but feel you are right. And have written so, superbly. Although, I also think (as here too) there are moments of joy: the man is still alive!


amand_r January 7 2014, 19:21:00 UTC
Man, if you can't take delight in Mountain Dew flavored Cheetos, then you are dead inside.


dswdiane January 1 2014, 16:37:27 UTC
Lovely, intriguing, and as Tryfanstone said, full of loneliness, including the estrangement between Joe and Methos at the end. The poem is heart-breaking, and the relationship beautifully described. Two odd ducks so happily together. I wish I know more about them.


amand_r January 7 2014, 17:17:23 UTC
Thank you!


killabeez January 1 2014, 16:52:31 UTC
Fascinating portrait of Methos. I especially like that you skated the line between his particular brand of humor and his genuine pathos.

"You've only been married five times since…" He checked the card on the front of the case. "The Italian Renaissance?"

Methos shrugged again. "People live so much longer these days."

I could so hear him in this.


amand_r January 7 2014, 17:18:38 UTC
Also, porn, you know.

Thanks for commenting! I think I managed to fool everyone this year!

I think I've written Methos for so long that I'm back to square one about not knowing him anymore.


varina8 January 1 2014, 22:43:34 UTC
A lovely holiday treat. Methos' voice feels spot on to me, containing a certain loneliness and aloofness. There was the sadness of the estrangement between the two men, too.


amand_r January 7 2014, 17:18:51 UTC
Thank you!


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