This is the post for guessing the author - go wild!
There'll be a thread for each story, linked from that story - comment under the thread with your guess. End of the fest, we'll have a post about best guessers, and most guessed right, and you know, other stuff. I don't think there'll be prizes. Kudos, though!
Good luck!
Final author list... (with thanks to
killabeez for asking)
adabsolutely amand_r amonitrate banbury calime33 carenejeans chinae dkwilliams dswdiane fractured_sun fuzzytale hafital idontlikegravy ishafel jinxed_wood killabeez lferion mackiedockie merriman mogwai_do morgynleri_fic pat_t rodlox silentflux silvercobwebs tazlet tryfanstone unovis_lj