Title: Provenance Unknown
Author: Kwanzaabot aka
kerravonsenWritten for:
grachonokCharacters: Rebecca Horne, Methos
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 2,330
Author's Notes: Thanks to
dorothy_1901 for beta-reading.
Summary: A traveller visits Rebecca's castle, bearing a mystery.
Provenance Unknown )
Comments 34
Thank you so much!
So glad.
I like Rebecca, though I've never written her before, so it was a challenge I was glad to take up. And it occurred to me that we never knew where Rebecca got the Methuselah Stone from... so what if she got it from Methos? That gives us the Methos-Rebecca interaction right there. Then I rewatched all the episodes involving Rebecca and/or the Methuselah Stone (which then squashed a bunny, but it recovered)... and there you are.
The dialogues are brilliant, I can just hear them!
Thanks! I tend to be dialogue-heavy, it's what comes easiest for me.
I love this pairing I think it's my favourite het pairing.
The irony is that I didn't write it as a "het pairing", more as a friendship, but obviously it could be interpreted either way.
Of course canon never told us how she got the stone, so there was the opportunity right there.
There don't seem to be many stories about Rebecca, so I was glad to write one.
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