Title: Tantalus, (1/2)
lferion aka The Olympic Scribbler
Written for: Tessa Rae/
tes_ficCharacters/Pairings: Methos, Duncan, Joe, OCs
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: No sex. Pre-slash. Disturbing themes. Original characters advancing the storyline. Do any of these really need to be warned for?
Author's Notes: Tes' request was for Duncan/Methos slash or gen, "
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Comments 4
My, my, my, my - wow. This is almost poetic, so beautifully written. the words are rich (the writing very rich) and they just flavor this story so well; leading, guiding, pulling the read into the atmosphere, the characters and this unfolding mystery.
I adore the confused Alun - who is not sure which name he is using, and who is so sick, not just injured. *sob* And Iselin, Caroline, Elliott, Myrtle and Dorcas - what wonderful, fully fleshed characters. I definitely want to know what is going on over at the Seifert's place.
Haa - and the doctors. *hg* Jon plays golf with his Patrick? *lol* That is brilliant. So good to see a Watcher who is not narrow-minded and doing what the Watchers were supposed to do. Well - maybe not play golf . . . *ggg*
Just lovely.
Onto part 2!
I am so, so glad you like it! I do hope to write more of what is happening here with all of these people.
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