Title: Five Rules for Being an Anachronism in Japan, 2037
merriman, aka Muwahaaahahahaha.
Written for:
amand_rCharacters/Pairings: Amanda/Motoko (crossover), Methos, Duncan and one OC bad guy
Rating: Light PG13ish for violence and some smooching
Author's Notes: This story is a crossover with Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex. I tried very hard to
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Comments 16
And I enjoyed reading the story even if I didn't really completely understand the concepts. It was really interesting to read about how a futuristic society with the possibility of computer implants for most people that might be rejected by Immortal healing might affect Immortals.
I think I would have liked to have known more about the real, emotional relationship between Amanda and Mokoto might have worked and how and why they were attached to one another.
This is most awesome. Duncan is in a monastery! Methos and his cyber dolls! Amanda and Motoko and the hot sexiness!The plot, an Immortal desperate to get rid of cybernetics, is perfect, though for a minute I went to the Particularist Eleven when you described the first beheading on top of the cybernetics company's building.
Poor Amanda and all the things she can't use in her thieving! Motoko won't give her a camouflage suit!
Oh dear, I think I might have to borrow your take on this universe and wrote more.
Thank you from the bottom of my black little heart.
I have a companion piece in my head that follows Motoko and Section 9 while they investigate, with Motoko doing background checks on Duncan and trying to get into Methos' warehouse and the team discussing it being a copycat thing and I meant to get it done by the reveal but then Yuletide loomed over me and I had to postpone.
Borrow away! I'm tempted to keep playing in it myself.
I'm glad you enjoyed the story and I hope if you see the series you enjoy that too. There are a few different incarnations. I'm of the opinion that Standalone Complex is the best animated form. The movie's sort of so-so.
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