Title: Flashover (2/2)
killabeez, aka Blitzen (Edited by Dasher)
Written for:
sinanjuCrossover: Highlander/Angel the Series
Pairings/Characters: Amanda/Gwen Raiden, Amanda/Duncan, Richie, Joe
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: femslash, some violence
Author's Notes: Thank you so, so much to my two betas for their thoughtful and helpful comments. This story takes
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Comments 22
Thanks for reading it, too. :-)
And the opening scene was my favorite part. Vicious chicks.
Thank you very much!
First, I love the way you caught Richie just coming into some form of Richie maturity. It's just heartbreaking to read how Amanda was looking forward to seeing him grow up even more and to know that he's going to die.
Second, you did a wonderful job capturing Amanda's voice and Gwen's. It's just lovely.
Third, from what I can remember of what I have read so far, you have to be close to the top of the list on best described sword fights and quickenings in this group of stories. Your's were just utterly awesome.
Fourth, omigods, but the sex scenes were so utterly hot as to send me to the showers. GAH.
Finally, the plot was intricately mastered and deftly done. Kudos, kudos, and more kudos.
You rock and so does this story.
And you're welcome.
Also, I do believe your story is my favorite of all those I've read so far. I've still got quite a few to read, and some I read too speedily to fully appreciate, but yours was magical. I hope you will write more Highlander for us -- any flavor. :)
Oh my god, I'm going to turn all red. Thank you for such kind comments!
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