Title: Miracle Elixer
Fandom: Sweeney Todd
Characters: Toby Ragg, Adolfo Pirelli
Prompt: #6 Queue
Word Count: 100
Rating: K
Summary: "Why the hell are you just sitting there, boy? Keep on drinking."
Disclaimer: All I own is a computer.
"Why the hell are you just sitting there, boy? Keep on drinking."
Toby throws a despairing glance at the queue of unfilled Miracle Elixir bottles before taking another swig from the gin flagon.
"I don't see why it has to be piss, of all things," says Toby. "Why not water? Or gin?"
"Whoever heard of a colorless elixir?" Pirelli demands as he pours ink into a glass already brimming with yellow. The ink swirls before blending, darkening the mixture. "Shut up and get back to work."
Sighing, Toby finishes the gin, grabs a Miracle Elixir bottle, and unbuttons his pants.