Three stories I wanted to rec for
crack_van but I ran out of space (there are more, but not that come to mind readily atm, I will be reccing more in the future, like always.):
Crossing Paths by Cheryl K -- P&P AU. 26,100 words. And a real, in-story AU rather than a, uhm, what-if of some sort. That is, is a sequel that has an AU in it. Curious? Not perfect
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Comments 7
No! Introspective I don't object to, but depressed will not be tolerated! ¬¬
I will try not to tolerate it. ;) Se supone que me junto con unos compas a estudiar hoy, pero es domingo, hace muuuucho calor y está re nublado, así que me parece que voy a tratar de cancelar. En todo caso nos cruzamos en gmail en un rato. :D
thanks for reminding me of 'crossing paths' too. i'd read it once before and lost track of it and couldn't find my way back.
i hoped someone would follow my username to my journal and see the recs first thing, tho.
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