Pining for the fjords, rotting in the midday sun... same thing.

Jul 09, 2008 16:59

I came home from a shift of intense cleaning (I had to duck into the back half an hour before close to scarf down the dinner I brought, because dammit, I had brought a dinner for once and I was gonna eat the thing) to a note from my building saying they were coming to inspect my unit today. Aha. Ahahaha.

On the bright side: my bedroom is now free of the giant pile of stuff I meant to throw away, my hallway is relatively clean, and my bathroom is immaculate.

On the not-so-bright side: two and a half hours of sleep. Half an apartment still in chaos. And a guy who made a million notes on a clipboard and then never even let me see them.


Stolen from erin2326: Pick a number between 1 and 3884, and a pairing, and you'll get the song that corresponds to the number in my iTunes and a drabble to go with it!

No time guarantees, but I have today and Friday off and I need to get into a productive groove!

relocation, so that happened, memes

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