Laundry - NewS, PG-13

Oct 05, 2007 16:09

title: Laundry
author: nihongofrancais
genre: RPS, NewS
pairing: KoyamaPi
disclaimer: Me no own.
summary: Koyama likes to do laundry. YamaPi is not having any of it.
author's note: unbetaed. I'm addicted to KoyamaPi, someone help me. *laughs* For anamuan who read Koyama's j-web entry about underwear and expected it to bear fruit in terms of ficcage from me. And you know me, I try not to disappoint. *snicker* (orginally posted on February 27, 2007)

Crumpled clothing littered the unmade bed behind YamaPi and more continued to be added to the ever growing pile as the idol fished through the dresser, struggling to find the item he was looking for.

Stepping back from the now empty drawers, YamaPi folded his arms across his bare chest and blew at the stray dark bangs that fell across his eyes in quiet frustration. He couldn't find them! And he had no idea where they could be if they weren't in his drawer or Koyama's. "Keii-chan?"

"nani?" Koyama's voice returned.

Simply clad in just his black boxers, YamaPi wandered across the hall to where he found Koyama in the laundry room. "Do you know where my new jeans are? I thought they were in the dresser, but I couldn't find them."

Tossing a scoop of detergent in with the new load of clothes, Koyama closed the washing machine's lid and began programming it. "Which new ones? The ones you bought last week when we were in Shinjuku? Or the ones that are too big on you?"

"chigau. The ones I wore on Shounen Club." YamaPi stood anxiously in the doorway, waiting for Koyama's reponse.

Koyama turned around and squinted a little at the other idol. "The shiny ones? Those you sent to the drycleaner's two days ago, didn't you?" He picked up the laundry basket filled with wet clothing that had been in the washing machine earlier and edged past YamaPi into the hallway.

"chigau!" YamaPi was now starting to lose what patience he had left and chased Koyama into the living room. "You know! The faded ones I got on Omotesando! With the bleach stains on the right leg!"

"Ah, those!" Koyama set down the laundry basket and slid open the glass door that led out to the wide veranda where they hung their laundry to dry. "They're in the washing machine right now."

YamaPi blinked at Koyama, who continued to calmly hang wet clothing, first jerking them and then pinning them up. "You just put them in the washer?"

"sou." Koyama jerked a pair of his own boxers. The new ones that he bought because YamaPi liked the pink seams against the black. "Why? Did you want to wear them today?"

He could've gotten mad, but that never did any good because Koyama only laughed at his scowl and claimed it to be cute. And then when he laughed with his cute little eyes, YamaPi found it hard to stay angry. So, he did the next best thing.

Crossing the living room, he roughly grabbed Koyama by his belt, causing the other to drop the wet shirt he had been holding and effectively tearing him away from his laundry duties.

"Eh? YamaPi, what are you-"

Before Koyama could even complete his sentence, YamaPi's mouth was on his, hot and forceful. After the initial shock wore off, the older of the two showed no resistance and easily followed YamaPi's lead, hungrily returning the sudden kiss. The pathetic wet shirt on the floor went forgotten and all Koyama was aware of was YamaPi.

YamaPi pinned Koyama back against the wall next to the open veranda door and began working on his belt while occupying him with his feverent kisses. Unbuckling it with ease, YamaPi's fingers then moved to the top of the jeans and deftly undid the top button, followed by the zipper. Momentarily, he let his hands rest on the slight hips, his fingertips grazing against the revealed tan skin, before pushing down on Koyama's jeans.

Koyama, who had moved from YamaPi's lips to relish attention on the expanse of his exposed neck, barely registered the loss of his jeans, save for the fact that he maybe felt a little colder. Maybe. Wanting to continue to take this unexpected makeout session further, Koyama took a little more intiative, switching places with YamaPi and pressing him against the wall.

As soon as Koyama has stepped out of his jeans, YamaPi slipped out from between the other idol and the wall and snatched the discarded jeans, running down the hall into the laundry room. Only a few minutes had passed since Koyama had started the washing machine, so YamaPi opened it and frowned when he saw his soapy wet pair of jeans at the top of the pile of clothing. Without a second thought, he quickly stuffed Koyama's jeans inside and shut the machine, allowing it to return to its normal programmed washing.

It took a Koyama a bit to register what had happened, but once he did, he followed YamaPi back down the hall to the laundry room. "What are you doing?" He pouted, standing in the doorway also only clad in black boxers as earlier, he had thrown his shirt into the current load of clothes in the machine. "And why did you stop?"

"You washed my jeans. So I washed your jeans."


"I wanted to wear those jeans today!"

Koyama stared at YamaPi, who stood in front of the washing machine rather protectively. His face was stern and determined. Koyama wasn't going to get past him. The problem was he was mistaken to think that Koyama actually cared about his jeans after all that had occured in the living room.

As Koyama stepped out of the doorway, bridging the distance between the two of them, YamaPi braced himself against the washing machine. "I won't let you-" YamaPi's voice fell away as Koyama's mouth descended onto his, leaving the small room to only be filled with whirring sounds.

After some time, Koyama pulled away, licking his lips as he stepped back and then walked out without saying a word.

Bewildered, YamaPi remained standing in the same place, though he felt like his knees might give out at any moment. The feeling of Koyama flush against him combined with the strong vibrations of the washing machine behind him had been heady and intoxicating and he wanted more. But first he would have to get Koyama to come back.

Just as coherent thought slowly began to return to YamaPi and he thought that he could maybe form words, Koyama's voice rang out from across the hall, "shou ga nai yo. Neither one of us can go out now. So we'll have to stay in today. All day."

YamaPi quickly caught on to the playful lilt in Koyama's voice, pulled himself together, and quickly beelined after the other's voice.

the end.

ginzarhapsody, pairing: koyamapi, fandom: je!fic, rating: pg-13

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