Title: Justin Beiber is the Future
anamuanFandom: Merlin
Word Count: 577
Summary: Morgana's prophetic dreams include Justin Beiber.
Morgana has visions. It's kind of their little secret, hers and Merlin's, what with the whole 'magic is illegal and practitioners suffer pain of death for engaging in it' thing, like being magic is really something you can choose to do or not do all the time. I mean, for some people sure, don't curse the village well. Prophetic dreams, on the other hand, are a whole nother story.
At any rate, Morgana has visions, usually of imminent doom. This makes everyone (all two people who are certain about them, and Gaius who probably knows but pretends he doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Hey, he's got a lot of practice) really look forward to her nightmares. She has them with alarming frequency too, which doesn't bode well for Camelot in general, but no one said they'd be living in peaceful times. And besides, it's not like you can write a letter of complaint to the universe for sucking.
This particular nightmare, however, is in a league of its own. Morgana keeps having it, over and over, and she wakes up screaming and terrified every single time. Morgana is used to not talking about her bad dreams, because it's unnerving when they start coming true and now that she knows it's magic, she realizes how very easy it might be for some observant person to put two and two together and come up with 'witch,' but these are too bad and too frequent and always the same so she can't get them out of her head. So she tells Gwen, when she asks, after the fifth night in a row that Morgana actually wakes up screaming loudly enough that armed guards burst into her room because they thought she was being murdered, what the dreams are about.
She's in a dark hall, huge, filled with young girls, and, occasionally, a hapless, pained-looking parent. There is a grand dais in front of them, far too high above the ground to scale, and everyone is looking at the dais in expectation. Then, a flare of unnaturally bright lights, a thrum of deafening sound so loud Morgana can feel it in her organs and her ears hurt with it, and a boy-king appears on the dais, back-lit ominously. The girls all around her start to scream, mindless with terror, so loud the collective tide of noise drowns out even the supernatural, deafening roar from before. The boy-king stops in the middle of the dais, more unholy lights shine upon him, this time from the front as well, so his face is illuminated. It's not a scary face, but Morgana knows to be afraid from the reactions of the people around her. They're all going to die, some kind of horrific sacrifice--and Morgana wakes up, screaming in terror both for herself and all the young girls trapped in the hall with her and then guardsmen break down her door again to make sure she's not being stabbed to death in bed.
Gwen asks if there's anything else about the dream, anything at all; she's looking for something to try and help Morgana manage the fear because last time she had dreams halfway close to this bad, she'd tried to stop sleeping (which everyone collectively decided was a really bad idea). All Morgana can do is shudder and tell her she knew the boy-king's name, a name which though yet a dream, strikes fear into her very heart: Justin Beiber.