SERIES: Life For Rent - PG-13, KoyamaPi; RyoShige

Mar 05, 2009 09:58

series: Life For Rent
author: nihongofrancais
genre: RPS, NEWS
pairings: Koyama/YamaPi, Ryo/Shige
rating: PG-13
word count: 26,717 words (across three fics)
disclaimer: not mine. Johnny's got too good of a grip on 'em.
summary: AU Future. Instead of right, you turned left. Five years later, you're here and you can't remember why or how, but you just want to go ( Read more... )

ginzarhapsody, pairing: nishikato, pairing: koyamapi, fandom: je!fic, special: life for rent, rating: pg-13

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Comments 3

anamuan March 20 2009, 21:59:04 UTC
since i didn't tell you, i really like the series title.


ginzarhapsody March 22 2009, 00:00:53 UTC
random, but i'm glad you approve. it really sums it up, ne.


angelcry12 October 5 2018, 18:32:52 UTC
I'm so happy I found this series!!! <3


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