yamapi drabbles - JE - PG-13ish

Dec 31, 2008 19:43

title: going places (business sense)
word count: 167
for yamapea, based on this picture that i am rather shamefacedly hotlinking.
It's unusual (but not entirely unheard of) for the man to stop them on the sidewalk on their way to practice after school. Koki is bored with the whole idea, but game (he starts taking off his tie right away). It's just that all the enjokousai is getting old, and he's hoping KAT-TUN will début soon so he will start pulling in a real salary and can stop letting pervy salarymen take him out to dinner.

Yamapi, on the other hand, can hardly believe what he's hearing and it shows on his face. He's worth twice that alone; doubling with Koki should get them both another third more than normal. When he says as much, the guy starts a bit, surprised that the kids he's trying to pick up would talk back to him like that, then changes tactics.

Koki almost agrees again, but Yamapi drags him away from that creepy loser. No, they will not take credit. Sometimes Yamapi thinks Koki has no business sense whatsoever.

title: words to lose
word count: 260
For sanctified_x
It was late when Pi finally got home, tadaima echoing emptily through the entryway and rolling through the rest of the apartment, bouncing off empty walls as it went. It was late, and Pi was tired. He didn't bother with the light; just made his way to the kitchen by feel. Got himself a glass of water, stood by the sink in the dark drinking it.

He cried beautifully in his dramas, teardrops falling onto faded ink, running rivulets like spilled milk absorbing shock and confusion. Don't cry over spilt milk, but it didn't mean anything.

Pi rinsed the glass when he was done and set it upside down to dry on the counter. Down the drain, he felt all his words blurring away. Memories, like photographs held underwater, warping and smearing, washing away. You couldn't read his mind because he'd already worn those tracks down so hard the print was just a shadow of where words might once have been. Pi could read them because he'd memorized them before they'd faded to nothing, but no one else would ever be able to pluck the words from that page. Pi didn't bother with the lights on the way to his bedroom either; you'll never tell him; you'll never tell him; you'll never tell him rang like echos in his back brain--empty and traceless, impossible to prove anything was ever there to start.

He pulled the white comforter up around his ears and fell into white, empty space. He liked it there because there had never been any words to lose.

title: Pick-me-up
word count: 332
for ky_rin, to cheer her up. to try to make up for the angst jehols

"So," Yamapi said, settling into the seat at the bar. Kame leaned against the bar next to him. "What's a nice boy like you doing in a place like this?"

Kame laughed back at him. "Blame yourself. You brought me here."

The bartender looked over and nodded. When he finished pouring a set of drinks for college girls on the other end of the bar, he came over to take their orders. Scotch for Kame, gin for Yamapi.

Maybe twenty minutes later, Yamapi leaned back in his chair exaggeratedly, making obviously passes with his eyes over Kame's figure leaning against the bar. "Your daddy must have been a baker, because you've got a great set of buns!"

"Yamapi, that's an awful line." Kame takes a sip from his glass. "Who would ever go along with something like that?"

Yamapi shrugged, and ordered another round.

Once the bartender poured, and moved over to work on another group of partiers. "Sit still so I can pick you up!"

"Are you ever going to stop with these? They're actually getting worse. They're so bad I don't believe even you could have made them up."

Yamapi laughed. "I know! I can't believe it either!" He didn't seem repentant at all.

Yamapi tapped Kame on the shoulder, which was kind of ridiculous, because Kame was already looking at him. "What?" he asked anyway.

"You dropped your nametag," Yamapi said, holding out his hand in a fist, palm down.

Kame clearly had no idea what Yamapi was going on about, Yamapi could tell from his face, but he held out a hand anyway. Yamapi dropped the little paper packet into it.

Kame looked down at it, then back up at Yamapi. "Equal?"

Yamapi shrugged one shoulder, and ordered another round. "They'd run out of real sugar." He gestured at the sugar holder on the counter.

Kame doubled it. "I'll pay my half when you stop hitting on me. At least use a good line. No wonder you're single."

rating: pg, pairing: yamapi, fandom: je!fic, rating: pg-13, anamuan, pairing: kokipi, pairing: kamepi

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