Our Summer Place - KoyamaPi, G

Apr 27, 2008 12:46

title: Our Summer Place
author: nihongofrancais
genre: RPS, NewS
pairing: KoyamaPi
author's note: written for the one hour fic challenge. Opening lyrics from Taguchi Junnosuke's "Natsu no Basho" transcribed by me, therefore could be wrong. *laughs* Obviously, no beta.

anamuan | jackoweskla | pinkpapyrus | pearljemz | procreational

Everything's right here...kono tobira hiraite...

"Why are we listening to Taguchi's solo?"

Koyama shrugged, momentarily glancing over at YamaPi who stared at Koyama's red iPod nano oddly. "I dunno. I kind of like it?"

YamaPi listened closely for a moment, before turning away and returning his attention to the beautiful coastal scenery just outside his open window. "I suppose it's catchy," he returned, resting his arm against the sill and lightly tapping his fingers on the car door in time with the beat.

A shared day off between the two of them was ever so rare what with Koyama's endless stream of television shows and YamaPi scrambling to finish off his final few classes, so when this open Thursday popped up on both of their schedules they jumped on it. YamaPi rented the convertible, Koyama packed their necessities, and they were off, their favorite place in mind.

The beach.

YamaPi of course was famous for his love of the beach and the ocean and everything to do with it. Koyama, on the other hand, enjoyed the beach with YamaPi. Watching the other in his element, purely content and just focused on being in that moment-that was what Koyama loved most about the beach.

So he continued to drive along the stretch of Chiba highway, the wind teasing them with the familiar scents of the salt and sand, the background music of the freeing "Natsu no Basho", and a relaxed YamaPi at his side.

"I haven't gone surfing in so long..."

"Hawaii wasn't all that long ago though."

YamaPi sighed, stretching his arms above his head, catching the warm air as it ran through his fingers. "Thirty minutes of surfing is hardly surfing at all."

Without even glancing over, Koyama could hear the pout in YamaPi's voice as he recalled his short time in Hawaii at the beginning of the year for filming. "I suppose for you, it isn't," Koyama agreed with a soft chuckle. "You have to have an entire day of surfing."

"You make me sound like a spoiled little kid."

"Well, when it comes to the beach, you are." Koyama turned off the highway and onto some local streets, the roads just as empty on the late Thursday morning. "You have to have it all or nothing."

"Is that such a terrible thing?" YamaPi honestly inquired.

"I never said that," Koyama insisted gently. "Besides, sometimes it's important to be selfish. There is only so much of ourselves we can give."

YamaPi nodded quietly, not really wanting to say anymore for fear that their conversation get too heavy, too serious. He was going to be selfish. The beach would not be a place of work. There was no place for work. Not at this beach, not with Koyama.

Koyama pulled into the makeshift pebbled parking lot and as soon as the car stopped, YamaPi was jumping out of the passenger seat, reaching for his surfboard with a giddy, childish smile. "Are you going to surf today?"

"Me?" Koyama grabbed for the cooler of snacks he had prepared as well as their brimming duffel bag. "I did pack my wetsuit, so if you'll actually let me touch your board…"

"As long as you treat her nicely," YamaPi stipulated jokingly.

"When have I not?"

"When you let Shige touch her…"

Koyama rolled his eyes as they made their way across the sand, scoping out the perfect spot to set up base. "You were the one who insisted on bringing her onto the PV set! Even after all the prop managers insisted they could find another surfboard for you to use and everything."

YamaPi adjusted his beloved board under his arm, resisting the urge to stick his tongue out at Koyama. "Anyway, treat her nicely and you can use her. But I have first dibs."

"Of course you do."

A comfortable silence fell between them as they continued their way across the shore, the rush of the tide along the shore, the call of the seagulls overhead, and the crunch of the sand beneath their sandaled feet filling their ears.

YamaPi stopped for a moment, taking it all in and after a few steps, Koyama stopped as well. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he returned, looking away from the glittering horizon of ocean and sky and back at Koyama. "I just felt like maybe Taguchi's song is fitting after all."

the end.

ginzarhapsody, rating: g, pairing: koyamapi, fandom: je!fic

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