Title: Opheliac
Author: Chesiere Cat aka Hiyuura
Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! © Amano Akira
Pairing: Byakuran/Mukuro
Rating: NC-17
Warning: BDSM, BL, brainwash, blood, yaoi
Note: (1) This story is originally written in Thai, translated on friends' request. So please excuse me if the language isn't as flowing. ^^;;
(2) Because this is just
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Comments 8
but set me wondering, who will be the one truly broken by the end of this fic xD
And please continue 169 fanfictions even though, one is dead and one is back in a testube >_>#
For that, we'll see...
I'm so continuing 169 fanfictions. I don't want this ship to disappear...
I am impatient to see them finally together Q3Q
... "I'll never have your child" /RUNS OFF.
But, darling, you're such a perv. LOL.
i was just wondering...is this story written in Mukuro's point of view or is it a three person narrating the story? some time i get a little confuse on who's point of view it is through and who is talking. one more thing...is the italic and bold words past thoughts and phrase?
"Italic" = past thoughts/speech quoted
Bold = emphasis
The story is in 3rd person point of view. But sometimes it transits into a character's POV. It'll be easier to tell who it's if you focus on the thoughts in italic.
Anyway, thank you for your comment. It really makes my day. ^^
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