[x] adancehalldrug ;; august 2, 2009 ;; month-in-review: june && july

Aug 02, 2009 09:31

month in review
this way you don't have to scan through all the old entries
find what you're looking for right here!
(especially in june and july since i was visiting friends/having them visit me i did not have as much time to make icons as i thought i would...so i combined a couple months for the month in review.
NOTE: months are indicated by the number in brackets)

june/july 2009..

[06] 1st
month-in-review: may

[06] 4th
text icons, so little time,
monty python's flying circus,
field of dreams, a league of
their own, frequency

[07] 1st
brief hiatus

text icons, field of dreams,
psych, friends, monty python's
flying circus, csi

[07] 19th
icon truth meme
stephen colbert, a hard days
night, monty python's flying
circus, desperate housewives

!community: month-in-review, #month-in-review: june, #month-in-review: july

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