for 13_fears

May 19, 2007 22:26

Title: It's A Long Way Down
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Character/Pairing: Axel/Roxas
Prompt: 06. Acrophobia; Fear of Heights
Rating: PG
Word Count: 448
Completed: 3/13
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Got it Memorized?

The black portal blossomed out and Axel stepped out into the fading sun of Twilight Town.  He stopped, looking around; he knew Roxas was supposed to be here.  Scratching the back of his head he decided he’d check the one place Roxas always eventually ended up…the Clocktower.

He was right he discovered as he walked around the high ledge to find his blonde friend sitting on the edge as usual.  Roxas didn’t even look up when Axel approached and merely smirked, “Hello Axel.”

“Man you’re going to have to tell me how you do that one of these days,” Axel replied, sliding down next to the smaller Nobody.

Roxas grinned, leaning back, “Maybe someday.”

They were silent for a moment, Roxas closing his eyes against the sun and letting the light shine on his face.  Axel smiled, just enjoying the view…and not the town either.  Suddenly there was a flash of darkness and five Heartless appeared on the ledge with them.  Axel and Roxas both immediately became alert, jumping up and summoning their weapons.  Roxas growled, “Why are they always coming for ME.”

Axel looked over his shoulder, “And what am I?  Chopped liver?”

“Later, Axel,” Roxas groaned, the twin Keyblades shifting in his hands.  Simultaneously the two Organization members lunged forwards at their respected targets, slashing and hacking their way through the Heartless that had appeared.

Axel watched as the last heart disappeared, glad to know a few hearts had been added to their quota.  He looked over his shoulder, “You done yet Rox-.”  His question cut off as he saw that a Large Body Heartless had appeared with the others…which was strange since they usually didn’t come to Twilight Town.  The oversized Heartless jutted it’s rotund stomach out at Roxas and he yelped as he stumbled back towards the ledge of the Clocktower.

“ROXAS!”  Axel cried as he watched his best friend tumble over the edge.  There was a burst of fire and suddenly the Large Body found a flaming chakram stuck in its chest as a red haired Nobody lunged over the side to grab Roxas as he fell, “OPEN A PORTAL…NOW!”

Roxas was too stunned to act as he fell and Axel pulled him closer to his chest, closing his eyes and willing the dark portal to envelope them before they hit the ground.

It did.

A few minutes later Axel finally drew up the courage to open his eyes to find he was back in the path between Twilight Town and The World that Never Was.  He shuddered in relief and looked down at Roxas who was clinging tightly to his cloak.  Axel brushed his bangs back with a wry smile, “You’re safe…Roxas.”  One thing was for sure...they would both probably be avoiding the tower in Twilight Town for awhile.

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