Title: Where Expectations Fail
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Genre: Angst
Pairings: none intended; slight Giotto/Tsuna if you apply liberal imagination
Characters: Tsuna, Giotto, Guardians at the sideline
Warning: Dark; mention of slight psychological disorder.
Summary: Knee deep in the flurry of madness and violence that make up the underworld, Tsuna
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Comments 13
Wow...this is one helluva interesting contrast, alright. :) Not only are you capable of writing beautiful humor work, but your angst is so overpowering that it sinks into my system perfectly. :D I am now envious of thee.
Keep it up! \o/
I keepy swinging back and forth between angst and humour these days, eh? Blame KHR, everything comes up ten times funnier with this series. I actually used to write more angst.
Aw, thanks so much for the compliment *blush*. I can't really decide if I really like this one,since it refuses to come out in a way I want it, so it's a relief to know that I'm still doing alright!
It's always bothers me that everyone pressures Tsuna so much to be what he has told them multiple times he's not. And then everyone is shocked when he wants to turn down the ceremony (Except Chrome and Hibari. They're cool with whatever Tsuna does).
And the Guardians seem exactly like the people who'd be able to help Tsuna out when he's in an identity crisis like this, considering they've been by his side since he was 13, at the earliest. He would do the same for them in a heartbeat.
I'm glad to see another story out from you. Thanks :)
I also tend to think that the Succession Arc as a whole isn't doing character development so well.
Anyway, thanks for liking this!
Ahhh, at least Tsuna has his family+Giotto's support xDDD
Thankyou for writing my prompt! xD
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In this fic, I intend Tsuna to be adapting very badly to the mafia life - he kills and threatens and destroys, just because he *has* to, but at heart Tsuna's still a kid, and very afraid of Giotto's disappointment.
Haha, I tend to think that everyone needs some affirmation once in a while. And to Tsuna, Giotto's approval is probably special.
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