[ Your newest red-haired sensei is standing at the front of the class, puffing at a cigarette and looking less-than-enthused to be here.
Behind him, written on the board, is his first assignment.
Assignment 1:
Write a letter to your 10-years-older self.He takes a long drag on his cigarette before exhaling
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Comments 273
Letter to my 10-year-older self .. ?
[ Holding that pencil with his right hand and thinking carefully .. he'll start writing when he gets an idea. ]
So just writing whatever comes to mind. ]
Dear 26-year-old Bel ( ... )
I am not going to be a crazy cat lady.
Yes, you are. Don't try to deny it.
Actually, I'd be more of a crazy bat lady if anything, right?
Dear Ten-Years-Later Byak-kun ( ... )
Dear older self,
Take good care of your family.
Also, how is working with kids? Hope things are okay.
Your younger self,
[His pen stops. That's good enough, isn't it?]
I don't really know what to say here, as I'm sure you know. So I'll list my major concerns for the future as of my first year at Hitman High (really, who names these places..?!):
-Please tell me you didn't let Byakuran join the band.
-How did the band even go? Are you famous? If you aren't after ten years, something is wrong.
-You'd better have kept us away from anything that could kill us-- unless our career was going that badly.
-Don't borrow money from anyone shady, if you ever need to do that. This includes Byakuran.
-..do you still see Spanner? Is he really our guitar technician?
-Are Blood + Peppers still together? If so, have you toured with them?
-.. did you ever learn English fluently enough to know what Byakuran was babbling about?
And then he stops again, brow creasing and lips pulling into a frown.]
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