[Spoilers] Target 209 - Scanlation OUT

Sep 11, 2008 04:25

First time posting orz;

Both Iris and Ginger are surprised to see Tsuna with the X-Burner. Reborn asks Tsuna if he knows how to use the contacts, he responds with a yes. Before going to an explanation as how to use them Ginger attacks Tsuna but he easily evades. The lenses and his earphones are connected, so the information from the lenses will go to his ears. Spanner, who is explaining to Tsuna in a flashback, goes on to say that "once the receives the activation word" phrase Operation X, the lenses will automatically activate the shooting guide system. To put it simply, all Tsuna needs to do is say the activation phrase, make sure the target is at the center and, alter the left and right input 'til it matches. Not wasting any time, Tsuna starts the program in midair, but before he can continue Iris gets a transmission from Irie to dodge the attack. The lenses alert Tsuna that the flame is almost levelling properly, at this point Iris and Ginger still have no idea what's going on and, don't take Irie's warning serious. Deciding to take him head on, Iris commands the DS unit to combine and attack Tsuna. Not a second later, he is informed by the lenses that the level of the flames match and it's ready to launch. The X-Burner destroyed everything in its way, the fake Ginger, the cameras, everything in that block of the Melone Base including two blocks after it! It was a perfect hit, the flames were stable. The lenses were a success Spanner... now live D:

thumbnails, click to view bigger image.

セリフ         君には風紀委員を退会してもらう





だがなぜタイムトラベルが僕に起因していると?」  チェル「それはボンゴレを倒せばわかることです。今はご指示を」
チェル「わかりました」  入「研究室も心配ないさ。ボンゴレ最強と言われたこの時代の雲雀と互角以上の戦いをしたげんきしが守っているんだ

- Irie is trying to contact Iris and Ginger, but there's no response. Don't know about Iris's condition, but the Ginger doll is destroyed/broken. Tsuna grabs the wrist communicator from Ginger and talks to Irie.
- Tsuna tells Irie that he knows Irie was the one who sent them to the future. He demands Irie to tell him where the research lab and the round machine is.
- The communicator breaks before Irie has a chance to respond.

- Irie is shocked by Tsuna's words about 2 things. One, the Vongola are coming for the round machine in his lab. Two, the Vongola is accusing HIM of the time travel (i.e., Irie is not the one responsible for sending them to the future). Irie also realises that Hibari was headed for the lab too. Irie orders the Cervello girls to keep tabs on Tsuna.

That's as far as the summary and script goes for now. Based on the pictures, the scene at Hibari vs Genkishi looks something like this.

- Kusakabe brings the rescue calvary along. In the first pic, Gokudera is saying something in response to Kusakabe (can't see what). Then Kusakabe sees Hibari and recognises him as being from the past.
- Kusakabe gives Hibari some quick explanation about the rings.
- DINO gave Hibari explanation about the rings.
- In the second pic, Hibari gives him the evil eye for gathering a crowd with him (LOL). Then, Hibari fires Kusakabe from the discipline committee.
- In the last 2 pics, Hibari goes badass with his Vongola Ring.

apologize if this has been posted D:
Text found by Kirimi @ MH
Big spoiler image by Kirimi
Translated text by Kirimi
and other spoiler images found by Blackstaff @MH
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