[ Oh look guys, it's older!Moto wearing a crisp black suit, suitcase in hand and looking more or less confused. He doesn't look much more different - he is taller than before yes, with shorter hair and sporting a scar on his chin, but the smile on his face is the same as ever. ]
Ah - this doesn't look at all like a bathroom, haha!
[ /o\ He disbelieves, all right. Only he's learned not to be vocal about it, otherwise he'll be scared to death by one of your pranks or something. ]
Thank you, haha! I really hope it does - wouldn't want to live in America and speaking with a thick accent for the rest of my life! I don't know how you and Bel do it so easily - switching between languages, that is.
I suppose that's true, haha! Mmm, rather, you should be referring to yourself as King, no?
Essere in grado di parlare tre lingue non è male, credo! If I had more time, I probably would be willing to learn more, but I'm a lot more busy than I thought I would be, haha!
Ah - this doesn't look at all like a bathroom, haha!
Grazie! Haha, Gokudera isn't the type to do things halfway - he likes to finish what he starts, and only stops when it's more or less perfect.
That sounds like him. [ Not that he knows who Gokudera is. ]
So, how is your English, then?
My english? Haha - Not too bad I guess - only my accent is very.. heavy?
Very impressive, Yamamoto. Don't worry- it'll get better with time.
[ You've managed to surprise him, though. Who are you, really? ]
Thank you, haha! I really hope it does - wouldn't want to live in America and speaking with a thick accent for the rest of my life! I don't know how you and Bel do it so easily - switching between languages, that is.
[ He's awesome is what he is |D ]
Well, you see- molto facilmente. But did you expect anything less from a prince?
[ Riiiight... ]
[ |D ]
But, learning two languages is impressive, signore.
Essere in grado di parlare tre lingue non è male, credo! If I had more time, I probably would be willing to learn more, but I'm a lot more busy than I thought I would be, haha!
Ah, well. If you try hard enough, I'm sure you could do it~
But - you're twenty six! And you're the ruler of Altaria!
.. In the future, yeah. Yamamoto-kun, do you know what year it is right now?
It's the year 2020! And I know you're the King because we were all there for your coronation!
... Yamamoto-kun, it's the year 2010 right now.
[ Headtilt. ]
My coronation isn't for two years..
Haha - you're not just pulling another prank on me, are you?
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