Title: Breaking (Still Beating)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Sawyer/Juliet
Word Count: 108
Summary: She'd let herself believe; that was her first mistake. For the prompt
“Permanent,” at
Lost Drabble Challenge 2010:
Quick Fire Drabble Challenge. General Spoilers Through S5.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.
Author’s Notes: Quick Fire, #10: More angst for these two. Alas, I cannot help myself.
Breaking (Still Beating)
She’d let herself believe that this was real, that this would last; that this was permanent.
That had been her first mistake.
She doesn’t know what to believe anymore, as she stares out curtains older than she is; remembers how her fingers flipped across the pages of books with broken spines when she’d first arrived; looks longingly to those same volumes now, pristine and untouched. She doesn’t know what it means to feel her heart breaking, when she knows in twenty -- almost thirty years -- it’s battered, maybe, but still beating.
She catches the scent of him, heady and strong, as he walks into the room.
Breaking. Still beating.