Voice or video?

Jun 06, 2009 01:10

[There's a small, muffled noise of someone waking up from under a pile of blankets, the sound of them being kicked off.]

Damnit, who'd have thought I'd get too hot after that last death. [A pause.] Cloud? Thought I said to keep the desk clean... [Mumbling under his breath in a way that it doesn't get picked up very well by the feed.] I'm going to ( Read more... )

#a_facility, !post-prep

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Comments 22

are you asking me whether we do voice/vid? living_a_legacy June 6 2011, 05:27:42 UTC
[ Rustling from a distance away, another voice ] ...did clean it. [ An audible yawn, and more sheets. Until the threat of torching ]

...what. [ The bunk creaks as if he's raising himself up on his arms. ] Don't you touch my stuff. It's not junk.


Yep~ historyrabbit June 6 2011, 05:47:39 UTC
[Hey, he said that he would the last time that it got junked up.]

It's junk if it's cluttering up things and not neat. [Another bunk creaks only this one's much closer as Lavi gets to his feet.] Just need to find my matches. If I even can.


XD voice, then living_a_legacy June 6 2011, 05:51:29 UTC
[ Cloud can be a scatterbrain and guess what? He forgot. ]

I didn't have the time to get to making it neat. [ A slight thud; he jumped down. ] Like I'll let you do that.


o7 Voice it is! historyrabbit June 6 2011, 06:03:35 UTC
[Heck of a thing to forget. But simple too.]

I've been asleep for two days, plenty of time! [Rummaging around noises, as if he's digging through a drawer..] You can try and stop me.


fff replacement living_a_legacy June 6 2011, 06:42:48 UTC
[ Cloud is one of the biggest scatterbrains. ]

Maybe I've been busy. [ Sounds of a person being shoved aside and the drawer being slammed. ] What do you think I'm doin' now?


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