one thing I love from weekend: I CAN SLEEP WHENEVER I WANT, yay! it's 1 am here and I can barely open my eyes but I don't wanna sleep yet!!
so I'm gonna make a summary post about otome games, the featured seiyuu and my progress of playing them ~_~
behold, an otome power! )
Comments 41
If you wanna do a list of all manga/novels/doujin you have read and anime watched, you can use My AnimeList> for that.
But about general movies and j-drama i think you'll have to make the same that with otome games xD.
lalala~~ You have played too much otomegames u_u. Me, just hiiro and hakuouki XDD.
I guess I need to do the same so I can maintain my own progress at my own journal LOL
yeah I just can't bear the prettiness of otome game graphics and the beautiful casts they have so I play everything I want to play LOL
Beli kasetnya bukannya susah carinya?
tp yg aku bli cuma 3 sisanya donlod LOL xD
Aku kenal ama yang punya sih. Tp beli di dia masi agak mahal, makanya sapa tau km tau tempat lain haha
Donlot?? Dari otomedream kah?
Aku uda nyerah utek2 link di sana soalnya ga mudeng bahasanya Hel.. >.
aku jg sempet jd member di otomedream & kna warning berkali2 sampe zeny-ku dipotong skrg jd minus. dulu cuma sempet donlod 3 game di sana (& stelah aku submit zeny ternyata bsknya 2 game di-share di community LJ %@$#*^ !!!)
kebnykan aku donlod dr torrent & GOGOBOX, biar lama yg penting pasti ^^
klo donlod dr torrent aku biasanya cari di mininova, biasanya yg kluaran CO2KY.
sbenernya bnyk jg otome game yg di-share lewat p2p Share tp aku koq bingung2 pakenya. uda jlnin sesuai tutorial tp msh ga mau jln hash-nya +_+
ngomonk2 km mau maen game apa? :D
They are definitely lighthearted and extremely ENTERTAINING.
It will make you laugh non-stop XD.
I mostly play KOEI, D3 and Idea Factory games (though I don't really like Idea Factory gams)
waw. banyak juga gamenya o_O kereen
how is it? I know Daisaku is voicing one of the character but I was wondering if his character appears a lot in the game
could you let me know if you liked it or not? ^_^
yeah I was kinda surprised to know that Daisaku was also part of the seiyuu 'cause I think I've met the main characters but I didn't meet any character using his voice *___* I couldn't have missed him 'cause it's easy to recognize his voice.. hmm. but probably 'cause I'm still in chapter 2.
and I was kinda surprised when I checked online guides.. there are about 30 chapters not including the boys routes, whut??! =_=
so many!! D:
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