An Internet of spiky things

Nov 29, 2015 22:17

An odd idea from an earlier conversation: what has become called 'the internet of things' by a set of tedious marketing departments has already turned into a nasty balkanized set of demographic-slurping ad platforms ( Read more... )

hacking, apocalypse, bulletproof

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Comments 6

jarkman November 29 2015, 22:47:51 UTC
How much of that last bit is actually easy, to the extent that we could just go and do it on a Pi or whatever ?


quercus November 29 2015, 23:13:22 UTC
Probably based on one of the router platforms that already does router.

Then sell it through adverts in the Waily Fail as the privacy box For The Children!

Underpants; Profit.


jarkman November 29 2015, 23:14:52 UTC
You're right. There's profit in it.


hirez November 29 2015, 23:54:29 UTC

Pile the set of useful hacking tools onto $platform - Profit!


moral_vacuum November 29 2015, 23:10:25 UTC

Please do it.

The best cybersecurity for companies to prevent personal data loss is not to collect the bloody stuff in the first place. Its no good people telling us to keep our data safe when everything we do leaks it like a damned sieve.

He says on his Android phone.


zotz November 30 2015, 01:41:26 UTC
I'd quite like one of these. I could get my parents one too.


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