Only another (mumble) years until the next one

Sep 01, 2014 19:26

EMFCamp2014 was an absolute blast. Hung around with splendid people, had a selection of daft ideas, drank beer and was the physical enactment of the code of conduct. (Or at least part of the team ditto.)

Now I have to sleep for a week.

hacking, humppa!, humblebee beer shouting

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Comments 1

jarkman September 1 2014, 19:20:16 UTC
Hm. Yes. Tired now too. Stopped off at Little Chef on the way to top up on fried breakfast product, which was recuperative.

Anyhow, that was fabulous, and I think all the people we persuaded to go along have stopped looking at us funny and are also looking forward to the next one.

So, victory!


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