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Jun 19, 2014 20:28

The other day someone pointed at a (agent-free, so presumably cheaper than average) listing for a one-bed flat in That Londons (Hackernee, IIRC ( Read more... )

london bar prices, kicker conspiracy, i didn't fight in the punk wars

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Comments 5

kathbad June 20 2014, 04:38:13 UTC
Move to Andover. Commute.


zenithed June 20 2014, 12:36:03 UTC
Rent? This is how I'm studiously avoiding thinking about how fucked up prices in London are.


hirez June 20 2014, 13:22:07 UTC
Yon place in Hackernee was a rental.

It may well be that there's some magic financial handwaving that I'm completely missing, of course.


zenithed June 20 2014, 13:28:54 UTC
Ah. In that case avoiding Hackney might well be the way to go, it's currently in the process of being gentrified up the swanee. Come to Walthamstow. It's cheaper, and we haven't ruined it yet.


hsb June 20 2014, 19:26:02 UTC
We moved from a 2 bed 2 bath flat with nice big rooms but no private outside space (it had grassy bits and flowers and stuff, but basically it was all built in the 70s to separate out the car parking areas, so none of it was kid-safe). NuPlace is 3 bed Victorian house with a small decked back garden and only one bathroom. It's surrounded by estates, rather than being about 100 yards away and surrounded by newly built developer rabbit hutches. It cost a little under twice the old place (150k less than the ones 100 yards away) and we spent a year looking for something like it, where we wanted to move to, in our budget ( ... )


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