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Comments 10

jarkman October 10 2012, 21:36:34 UTC
94 ? What *were* they thinking ?


hirez October 10 2012, 22:21:09 UTC
Well, quite.

That building's only been tarted up recently. For as long as I can remember, it's been a mouldering thing with that plaque on it.


quercus October 11 2012, 18:16:46 UTC
It's 100Hz, but time passes just that bit more slowly in Gloucestershire.


ivory_goddess October 11 2012, 05:52:38 UTC

"We have to build an electricity sub-station."
"Well, ok, let's make it functional and pretty. How about the Strozzi Palace as a template?"


"We have to build an electricity sub-station."
"Well, ok, let's make it as cheap and ugly as possible. It's only a functional building after all."
"I was thinking of basing it on the Strozzi Palace..."
"The what now?"


d_floorlandmine October 11 2012, 13:11:56 UTC
There's one in Croydon disguised as a church. Pretty well disguised, actually.

Pretty sure that your recounting is a fly-on-the-wall recording, though ...


inulro October 11 2012, 19:08:25 UTC
Very nice dress indeed. Where did you find it?


hirez October 11 2012, 21:04:04 UTC
All Saints. It really is quite a thing.


inulro October 12 2012, 11:06:32 UTC
Somewhat out of my price range. Maybe it will turn up in clearance at the end of the season.


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