The pop-cultural recycling machine/Around Worcestershire by typewriter

Jun 19, 2007 16:43

Loath though I am to break the previous splendidness of this, it's worth it to point at this work of casual genius.

(Why yes, I do have the odd unfinished project scattered about the place.)

hatbox, nothing to wear, making stuff up for a laugh

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Comments 7

eljaydaly June 19 2007, 15:55:07 UTC
Very cool. And very guilt-relieving.


redcountess June 19 2007, 16:03:03 UTC
loltheorists is often good value though :)


quercus June 19 2007, 17:37:25 UTC
Dr Johnson and "Word" !


jarkman June 19 2007, 17:27:52 UTC
Unfinished project ? I have absolutely no idea what you could possibly be talking about.

Round here, we only have partially-realised opportunities.


quercus June 19 2007, 17:35:35 UTC
As jarkman once said,

"If you only finish one tenth of your projects,

merely start ten times as many."


jarkman June 19 2007, 21:10:25 UTC
And that is how my shed came to be marked on the gravitational-anomaly maps.


moral_vacuum June 19 2007, 17:52:04 UTC
That was very comforting. Although given how many abortive projects I've worked on in the last few years, why am I not surrounded by a forest of Giant Redwoods ( ... )


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