1. Take a screencap of your current desktop.
2. Post the picture here or on your lj. You can also give a short explanation on the look of your desktop if you want. You can explain why you prefer such a look or why it is full of icons. Things like that.
ok so i will tell you now that i am completely ocd about my desktop. it has to be neat and files in folders and not cluttered and itunes always has to be in the corner and windows not overlapping and just...awk stuff like that. idk i'm not very neat irl but my computer is.
look at my background, surprise surprise. sometimes it's just nick (the b&w shirtless photos rotate) but i changed it today cause i wanted the whole band. plus my bff and i think they look like reservoir dogs which is badass. also, please to be noting nick's ponytail. anyone else? you are a loser. nick? do me several times.
that's my itunes in the corner (i was listening to "reptilia" lol my life), along with: my hard drive, friends season 6 disc 3, ted theodore logan my ipod, a gif of nick from the "heart in a cage" video, my "delicious people ahoy" folder, a folder of mixtapes i make for tumblr, and a screenshot of my tumblr followers (cause i got 200 this week).
so obv you have noticed i have a mac and instead of pulling windows down, i use spaces which means you essentially have 4 desktops you can rotate through and different programs run in each space. i took my screenshot without safari so here's the windows i have open: my tumblr dashboard, my flist, my inbox, my american american shopping cart lol, and hardtoexplain.org (cause i lurk the nick valensi thread hardcore).
ok so yes that's it. i can't believe i talked that much about my desktop. ask me questions about my computer/desktop if you like or just admire how damn pretty the strokes are. i do. that's why they're my background.