
Nov 15, 2012 00:19

Art Prompt Title: Take all the courage you have left
Art link: Art Post
Prompt Number: 1050
Artist: dingobaitt

Fic Title: Switch.
Author: hippivickyx
Fandom/Genre: SPN/ drama-action/ Purgatory Fic.
Pairing(s): Destiel
Rating: PG-14
Word Count: 4,700
Warnings: Violence

Summary: Returning from Purgatory should have been easier then this.

Thank you  myfriendfredric for editing this.

Purgatory reminded Dean of a video game. He only played once while in middle school at 'friend’s house.'

Everything was darker and had a strange grey glow to it. He liked that everything was grey-it made killing things less gross. The blood he spilled came out in a black flow. Fire flickered in a mix of grey, white, and black. If he squinted he could see some dull orange. He gripped the silver blade as he heard footsteps, but calmed down when he saw a white trench coat.

"There is a cave not too far from here, but I am afraid it might be occupied." Castiel was less crazy, more… twitchy. His angel powers did next to nothing here, but he was handy at other things. He looked around the camp before settling down across from Dean. The only sound between them was the crackling of the fire.

Dean knew he was staring-he didn’t care. After six months of fighting everything he’s read about in his father’s journal, staring felt like nothing. He was allowed to stare. Castiel kept his guard up 24/7 or what felt like 24/7. The only time he put it down was when he knew they were safe. It only happened twice, but the second time, an attack lost that security in him. He finally felt Dean’s stare on him. Castiel’s eyes were the only true color in this world. The blue, bright as day, nearly glowed. They almost taunted Dean when they flickered to meet his own.

"We can go down there after some rest and check if it indeed occupied."

"You really think our way out of here is in a cave?"

"Yes."  He said, sending Dean a look that reassured him that one word was enough. The way the angel acts here should scare Dean, but he knows he is safe. For now.

"Rest, Dean."

He didn't want to, but he knew it was necessary. He laid on the hard forest floor, and stares through the fire at Castiel. He looked past their camp, face swallowed in pain and fear. The last thing he could remember thinking was that he had to get them out of there, not for his sake, but for Castiel's.


Something was consuming Castiel’s grace.

He didn't know how to tell Dean. Every day he feels weaker. The fear that he cannot redeem himself pulls at his gut. He keeps an eye on the edge of the trees, occasionally scanning where Dean rested to make sure he slept contently. He let out a sigh when he realized he let himself stare again. He should be keeping watch but Dean's slumber was so peaceful. He enjoyed the time where he could just watch. He looked up at the quiet trees for only a moment before Dean's screaming pulls him back. He lunges to the hunter's side, keeping his shaking limbs from the fire. The angel fights to pin down the arms that desperately rip at the owner's chest.

"Stop!" he tried to hush Dean, afraid his screams echoes will bring something unpleasant. Then he saw it.

A strange glow, reminding Castiel of his grace, coming from Deans chest. He places his hand over the light, but it burns to the touch. Dean begins to scream and squirm more. Castiel quickly looks around them to make sure no creatures were the one causing this before pulling up Dean's shirt. The exposed skin continued to glow bright.

"Dean, calm down." He whispered into his ear. Dean tries to obey, his screams fading into painful moans and harsh breathing.

As fast as it started, it ended. The glowing dissolved, and sitting around Deans neck, like it was born there, was the amulet he watched the hunter throw away those years ago. He wrapped his fingers around the cord and ran down till the amulet touched his skin. It gave the familiar tingle as it once did long ago during his search for his father, yet it seemed like a pull instead of a push. He looks to Dean, who laid rigid, gasping for air.

Castiel tried helping dean by pressing two fingers on his forehead, but he continued to gasp.

"This is good, Dean. This means someone is helping us." He slips the amulet off of Dean, and places it around his own neck. He hoped Dean would fall back into slumber, but green irises peered up at him.

"Cas? Cas, why do I feel like turkey shit." He grunted, trying to get up, but yelped in pain.

Nothing could be said because Castiel sensed not one, but no three vampires on the tree line.

"Well, look what we've got here," a child vampire with long curly hair smiled brightly at them. Two more, one muscular man with a scar on his left eye, and a woman with wild red hair stood behind her.

"Do I smell human? I haven't smelt human in so long."

"Dean, get up. We need to run." Castiel tried to pull him up, but even his strength was weakened.

"And what are you?" the child asked, appearing at Castiel’s side before pulling his face up to hers.

"You're retaining your strength, how?" he crowded Dean, almost like cradling him. He knew Dean would disagree, but he was trying to distract this creature.

"Tell me what you are, and I'll tell you how."

"An angel of the lord. Now tell me." Dean tries to say something but Castiel's hand muffles his words.

"Give me this human, and I'll show you."


"Well then, no deal. I'll have to kill you both." She walks away, waving at the two other vampires. They looked tense compared to the child. They started to approach, prompting Castiel to stand, and grab his blade from Dean. He began to try, and focus on his grace or what was left, to push into this fight.

The red head leaped, shoving Castiel into a nearby tree. He quickly rebounds, throwing the blade, with extra force towards her. It connects with her throat, causing her body to go limp, and fall to the soft earth. The man was there before he could move; grabbing Castiel by the throat and slamming him back into the tree. Again, and again, slamming until he felt a numbing pain overwhelm his body. The vampire kneed his stomach, causing his vision to blur before he feels a pain spread across his nerves. He looked down to find the child shoving his own bloody blade into his leg.

"Stupid, useless angel! Bring him over, I'm going to have him watch me drain his human." The man dragged him over, holding the blade to Castiel's side.

Dean was trying to move, but his face was contorted in pain. He tried to crawl away, but the child grabbed him and pulled him back to the log he was resting on.

"Let me go, bitch!" he tried to push her away, but her small hands held his down. She nuzzled into his neck, and Castiel knew her teeth sunk in when a scream breaks from Dean's lips.

"No, Dean!" The angel struggled in the vampire's grip until he pushed the blade into Castiel's side. He yells, but manages to grab the blade from his side, and cuts off the man’s head while he was stunned. He used the last of his grace to smite the child off of Dean, her body slumping over in his lap. Dean pushes her off of him, huffing in pain.

"Not our day, is it?"

Castiel felt the loss of grace and the pain from his two injuries take over, blacking out his vision completely.


"Have to drag your sorry ass all the way to a cave, that might be infested with deadly ass creatures, on a hunch that it's our way out and the only way to save you. Great, this is just great." Dean complained, talking to himself as he dragged Castiel's limp body along the forest path. He stopped twice, trying to catch his breath, but pushed forward for fear that if they stop, something else would come. At the third rest point, Castiel woke with a gasp.

"It's okay. We're okay."

"Where are we?"

"About ten minutes out from that cave you mentioned. We need to get you help."

"I'm fine. What about you? did you loose too much blood? I can fester up some of my grace and-"

"No, Cas! I'm fine. It's you who we need to fester up a miracle for."

They stare at each other, knowing this was happening. They let it happen. Dean was angry at Castiel's selflessness. Castiel was annoyed by Dean's comment. There wasn't time for this.

"Let's go. Now that you're awake, it should go much faster." Dean picked himself up with a grunt and brushed off his dirty jeans. He held out a hand to Castiel, who stared at it.

"You're not in pain? But what about-" Castiel said, grabbing at his chest.

"No, I'm fine for now. Whatever it was, has passed." He took Dean's hand, and with a lot of effort, they limped through the trees.

They stayed quiet, both refusing to say anything. The cave was in sight, and it was, indeed, occupied. Dean leaned Castiel against a tree out of sight.

"Now what?" He was out of breath. Then he saw it-a glowing figure stood behind Castiel. His eyebrows knit together as an eerie sensation washes over him. Dean grabs Castiel, who looked puzzled, and began pulling him away from both the cave, and the glowing figure. Castiel made painful grunts, and moans as Dean tried to hurry away. The glowing figure was in the clearing, walking slowly near them.

"Dean, wait." Castiel said, out of breath as much as he was. He looked down to find Castiel's free hand glowing behind a closed fist. It was the same glow. When Castiel opened his palm, the amulet he lost many years before was sitting there, glowing bright.

"This is good. Let the light come here."

"What? Are you still crazy? No! Not today. It's been hard enough-"

"Please, trust me." Castiel looked up at him, blue eyes almost glowing as bright as the figure slowly approaching them.

"Fine. If I die, you're not allowed at the funeral." He muttered harshly, watching as the glowing figure was now two feet in front of them. Its height seemed like something familiar to him, but he closed his eyes as the light (engulfed them.)

As the light behind his eyelids lessened, he opened them to an unfamiliar living room, filled with familiar faces. Something tingled in his mind and everything went black.


Blue. Bright blue eyes shined down on him as he tried to remember what happened last. Nothing was entered his mind. The chapped lips near the blue eyes moved, but nothing came out. He pushed through the strange haze to hear echoes of his name.

“Dean?” That definitely didn’t go with the face-it was feminine. He turned his head, and saw three women staring back at him. He knew those faces, and they didn’t make him smile. Charlie, Jody, and Missouri towered over him.

“What are you all doing here?” He tries to sit up, rubbing his neck.

“Saving your ass.” Jody says, walking to a large arm chair before plopping down.

“That doesn’t explain anything. Where’s Cas?”

“Sam can explain better.” He turns to the archway where his brother leaned against the door frame.

“Sorry, Dean.” He said softly before pushing off the door frame, and walking over to everyone.

“Be quiet. All of you! Dean needs his rest.” Missouri said. “You’ve been through a lot. Rest, you’ll need it soon.”

“What do you mean? Someone tell me what’s going on!”

“Dean!” Castiel said more in worry than in anger. “We are back. Away from purgatory, isn’t that all that matters?”

“But how? Why is Charlie here, or Jody?”

“It can wait, Dean,” Charlie said. She looked shaken up behind the couch where he laid.

“Just tell me how we got back.” He tried to calm his voice down.

“Missouri was able to connect you with the amulet Sam had. It was risky. They tried to connect with Castiel, but his angel powers weren’t present any longer. Charlie and I are here by quid incidence. Something else has happened, but it can wait.” Jody stands and pulls Charlie into another room. Dean eyes them for more answers, but Sam was in his space, hugging him like no tomorrow.

“Now we can let him rest before something else happens.” Missouri said, dragging Sam away. He felt so confused.

“Cas, what’s going on?”

“It’s fine. As soon as my grace returns I will fix it.”

“Fix what? Tell me what the hell is going on!” Dean argued, sending a death glare to their retreating backs. But he was left with only Castiel in the dark candle lit room, and a want for answers.

“Your soul was damaged on the way back. I am truly sorry. I did not know what to do. I will fix this, Dean. I promise. Look, I’m already healed-it’s just a matter of time.”

“Cas, calm down. What do you mean my soul was damaged on the way out? Just tell me what that means?”

“Your soul is missing. The amulet that was formed from you in purgatory was your soul. Sam and Missouri had no idea. Once we made it here, the amulet was missing. Something else came through purgatory with us. Charlie was affected by this; they were slim on their explanations. I did not want to ask further because I was more concerned in you.”

“So what’s the next step? Hunt this thing down?”

“No, Dean. You without a soul are a ticking bomb, no offence. We need you to stay here, stay calm, and stay happy.”

“So how are we going to find my soul if we’re busy keeping me ‘happy?’”

“That will be Sam, Charlie, and Jody’s job. It should be simple enough, once my grace is fully returned. I can sense it, and send them out to get it.”

“Now it’s the waiting game?”

“Now is the waiting game, Dean.”

They both went quiet. Dean’s heart beating uncomfortably fast due to the fact that he realized he does not have a soul. He feels fine, maybe more angry than normal, but fine. His thoughts changed to what Castiel said, ‘Something came with us across.’ What came with them? How did they not know this was happening? Was he so pin point to get Castiel away from everything he wasn’t paying attention?


“Yes.” He turned to find Castiel in his personal space once more. “What?”

“Are you hungry?” random but Dean was going to take it.

“Uh yeah, I would love a burger. Not the same old kind you would poof up in purgatory, a real life burger from Joann’s Burgers in Pittsburgh.” As Dean was finishing his sentence, Castiel’s hand was taken over by a plate of their famous bacon cheese burgers, and fries. Castiel gave him a small smirk as Dean took it, and bit into the savory burger. “Thanks Cas.” He tried to say over his bite.

“Anything to make you happy,” He sat down next to Dean and stared at him devour his burger. Dean looked over.

“Anything at all?” He thought of what he just said, and looked away. Woops, I guess he has no filter of what he says.

“Yes, Dean. After that, I suggest you rest. Having no soul usually means no sleep, but I shall help with that.”

“Why do I need sleep anyways, don’t need to rest my anything. He made a joke, but Castiel has never heard of the saying ‘rest your soul’ before even though Dean was pretty sure it was a religious reference.

“Forget it. I shall get this rest you want.”

“Why are you talking like that?”

“Like what?”

“So formal.”

“You talk formal.” Dean says with a shrug.

“You’re talking more formal than usual.”

“I don’t know. I guess it’s just what comes to mine right now, why are you complaining about it?”

“Forget about it.”

“No, what do you mean?” He put the rest of his burger down on the coffee table, and looked over at Castiel who was avoiding eye contact with him.

“I’d rather not say.”

“Say it.”

“You’re getting angry again.”

“Damn right! Tell me!”

“I don’t know what is going on, but you two need to calm down and go to bed!” Jody yelled from the other room. Dean knew this was someone’s house, must be hers.

“We are not done here.”

“Right, just please start talking like Dean again, and I’ll be fine.” Castiel mumbled.

“Excuse me? I am Dean. What is with you?”

“Nothing, go to sleep.” Castiel leaned over, and swiped two fingers over Dean’s forehead, causing him to slump over once more.


Castiel watched as Dean did not dream. It concerned him because he loved watching Dean dream. It was like an angel’s television. He smiled as he thought that Dean would like that reference. He sighed in sadness once more before pacing the room, thinking of their next move. He needed to keep Dean content, but it was becoming tiresome. Mostly because he was worried Dean will go mad with craziness. He couldn’t explain it to himself; he didn’t know what it means. He feared something happened to him when they came through purgatory back to earth. He shook it off, and watched Dean sleep. It wasn’t the same as in purgatory, but he enjoyed it still.

“Cas?” Sam entered the room, looking at Dean, almost scared.

“Yes, Sam?”

“Is he doing better?”


“What are we going to do?”

“One step at a time Sam,” His mind wanted to call him ‘Sammy,’ but he stopped himself knowing that was Dean’s job to call his brother Sammy. “Sam, can you bring Missouri in here, please?” he nodded in agreement, and walked out quickly, eyeing Dean one more time.

Missouri entered smiling down at Dean.

“Sleeping finally,” She looked up, her soul young and bright. “What did you need, Castiel?”

“I would like all the content to the spell you used on Sam, and the amulet. I believe it affected me as well.”

“Yes, of course. It was mostly improvised due to nothing like this has happened before.”

“Yes, I understand.”


Dean woke up slowly, feeling groggy. He saw he was right where Castiel left him on the couch. He rubbed his eyes, and yawned. He looked around to find Castiel staring at him.

“Do not do that.”

“Stop that.” They both stared at each other with hard eyes.

“I don’t mean to.” He spotted his brother leaning against a wall, staring at him with concern. “Hey, Sam.”

“Do you feel better?”

“I guess. No help by Castiel.”

“I don’t understand why you think everything is a threat to you. We are no storm troopers.”

The room fell silent.


“Nothing, forget it.” Castiel stood up, and moved to walk out, but began to pace instead.

“What is wrong Cas?” Sam asked, pushing off the wall. Right on cue, his stomach growled.

“The angel is hungry?” the brothers looked at each other. “How long have you been hungry Cas?”

“Since we’ve returned. I’ve also been tired. It’s no concern, just a side effect of returning here.”

“Sam, get him something to eat.” Dean said, his persona changing into the same in purgatory. Sam followed direction, shooting them both a concerned glance before leaving. “Come here, Cas.”

Castiel eyed Dean before joining him on the couch.

“You are keeping something from me.”

“I am worried. Worried something terrible has happened to your soul.”

“Do not change the subject. This isn’t about my soul. Why are you hungry? You said your grace is returning.”

“I believe I was affected by this also. Not sure how, but I feel more human then angel.”

“You look exhausted. I think it’s your turn to eat and rest.” Dean tried to make it sound like a joke, but it didn’t come out quite right.  Sam returned with a simple sandwich, which they watched the angel devour. Dean moved out of the way and let him lay down. “Close your eyes.”

And he was asleep right away. His mind refused to wake up when he began to dream. Dreaming was not for angels, and even with such a pleasant dream, it still concerned Castiel.


“Where did Charlie go?” Dean asked Jody when he found her in the kitchen.

“She went with Missouri to find something for Castiel. What are you doing?” she avoided eye contact as she washed the dishes.

“Stretching my legs. Letting Cas take a nap. Are you going to tell me what happened, why you said Charlie has bad news for us, but won’t tell us.”

“It is not my place to say. You can wait for Charlie, and Castiel to tell you.”

“Bullshit, tell me.” He tried to get her eye contact by circling the kitchen to stand near her.

“Calm down, Dean.”

“No!” the light above the sink blew out, and glass rained down on them. Jody’s head shot towards Dean with wide eyes, as he stared at the light. What was that? He looked at Jody then turned to Sam who appeared at the door.

“What happened?” Dean ignored him, and rushed into the room where Castiel was sound asleep, face smoothed by content slumber. Who did that? Did he do it?

“I think you should stay here. I’ll call Charlie.” Jody closed the only door. He lets out a sign when he hears the lock click. Something else was going on. He thought back towards the light. Sam was soulless at one point, and he wasn’t able to do things like that. What was going on? He wanted to wake Castiel up and ask, but he just began looking comfortable. Dean sat down across from Castiel, and stared at the face with intense thoughts. So many questions swarmed his head, he just wanted answers.


Castiel woke to Dean staring down at him. Dean shook out of his trance to realize blue eyes were scanning his face.

“Cas, tell me.” Castiel could tell he was beyond done being left in the dark, but he couldn’t risk Dean freaking out more then he already has.

He sat up, and thought of one solution to this problem. He walked up to Dean, entering his ‘personal space’ and ran a hand through Dean’s hair. Dean’s face lit up in confusion, and pleasant surprise. Castiel ran his fingers down to hold Dean by his jaw before leaning in, and kissing him on the forehead, causing Dean to slump down into his hands.

He put Dean in a more comfortable position, and looked at the time. It was early morning, everyone would be a sleep. He closed his eyes, and tried to concentrate on the amulet. He found it two states over, only two people in the premises. When he opened his eyes, he stood in front of the building with only one thought on his mind. Go get the amulet, and send whatever came back with them to purgatory once more.

When he entered the room, his breath was taken from him as one figure pushed him against a wall. He struggled, but the creature was stronger than him. He saw the man’s head was missing, but no doubt about it, it was the vampire from purgatory, and behind him was the child vampire.

“Ah! Useless angel! Long time no see.” She paused sniffing the air. “You smell different, but it’s what I’ve been waiting for.” She held up the amulet. “You no longer smell angelic, but a yummy soul.”

He tried to push the headless vampire away but his grace wasn’t listening to him. The headless vampire took out a long blade, and pushed it through Castiel like he was butter. Castiel screamed as he felt the pain spread across his nerves.

“Here, want the rest of that precious soul? Be easier for me to take it from you.”

“T-that’s what you did. You stole souls, b-but in purgatory there wasn’t that many.”

“There was enough.” She put the amulet around his neck, and it burned his skin until he finally understood. He had half of Dean’s soul, and now the amulet pressed the rest of it. Memories overwhelmed him, and he pushed through the dizzy pain to focus on how to fix this.


Dean woke up with a start, still angry. He looked around to find Charlie.

“What are you doing?”

“Waiting for you to wake up. I need to tell you something.” But instead of telling him, she just stared at him.


“Oh right. Um, a few weeks ago I had a strange dream about you, and Castiel. I was worried so I tried to get a hold of Sam, but met Jody instead. And we found Sam with Missouri, and I tried to stop them but, um,” she seemed nervous. “You need to save Castiel.”

“What do you mean?” he looked around to look for Castiel.

“Don’t you dummies see? Castiel has your soul, and you have his grace. He went to get the amulet, and put himself in danger. Save him!”


“Just find him.”


“Use that grace you have. I don’t know, close your eyes and find him?” she turned with a roll of her eyes, and left in a hurry. His mind was racing in confusion and worry.

He closed his eyes, and the first thought that came to his mind was his worry. The same worry he was overwhelmed with in purgatory. He was constantly worried that purgatory changed them both too much. He heard a scream, and when he opened his eyes he was in a warehouse. He searched around and felt something glow, pulling him towards the doors.



“Cas!” Dean’s voice was in his mind.

Bright light pushed his mind to wake up, and see Dean smiting the headless vampire.

“Oh! A human with an upgrade. I like this, will be worth the fight. Hold on, let me have your old soul, and we can start this fight.” She approaches Castiel, who sat on the floor panting.

“No!” the lights above them blasted, and Dean grabbed the vampire, throwing her across the room. He pulled Castiel up and tried to heal him, but had no idea how.

“Stop that, stupid human.” She tried pushing him out of the way, but he didn’t budge. He turned to her, she was full of fear as he approached her.

“You are the reason we are broken.”

“I’m sorry.” She said. “I didn’t know this would happen.”

“What? A human with angel grace? Let’s just put it this way, I was angry before, but now I have the powers to express my anger.” He laughed. “Listen to me. I sound like him.”


Castiel opened his eyes, and found Dean staring at him with glowing green eyes.

“So this is what it feels like to not be in danger as much.” He smiled.

“No.” Castiel tried to smile back, but his mind and body was too tired.

“Can we fix this?”

“No, I think I like having a soul.” He waited a moment to watch Dean’s face change before he smiled.

“Yes, yes Dean. Let’s fix this.”

“I do not like you with a soul.”

“And I dislike you talking -not like Dean.”

Castiel took Dean’s hand, and placed it over his forehead, closing his eyes. A soft warm feeling overwhelmed him before he felt the soul left him into Dean, grace following over to his vessel.

“That’s it?” Dean asked.

“That easy.” Castiel said, as he stretched his grace out and healed his injuries.

“Now can I enjoy being out of purgatory?”


Purgatory did change them. Making them fell more appreciated for each other.

medium: drawing, challenge: 2012, word count: 3000 - 4000, spn_reversebang, genre: spn, pairing: dean/castiel, spn, rating: pg13, destiel

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