Title: Perfect Strangers Fandom: Doctor Who Characters: Various from series one and two, including Nine, Ten and Rose, though from a distance. Rating: PG-13 Betas: The absolutely wonderful
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As always, wonderful fic. Shireen's POV is my favorite bit told from a "stranger," but I have to admit my absolute favorite part is the one with just Rose and the Doctor. I can so see him making that speech about 'how well he knows her.'
And this is Doc/Rose unrelated, but I absolutely love this line: Then, Ghost Shift begins and she doesn’t think about much else for the rest of her life.
She doesn’t belong there, just as she doesn’t belong in the hospital, watching a new couple find old ground with one another. I simply loved this line.
This was so well done and each portion was perfectly in character. I hoenestly couldn't tell you which bit was my favourite.
Comments 42
And this is Doc/Rose unrelated, but I absolutely love this line: Then, Ghost Shift begins and she doesn’t think about much else for the rest of her life.
Great job!
This was so well done and each portion was perfectly in character. I hoenestly couldn't tell you which bit was my favourite.
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