Title: Well, Would You Look at That Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Hirako Shinji/Urahara Kisuke Spoilers: up to 424 Summary: This is how it starts, and how it never ends.
This is one of the best Shinji-related things I've ever read. It was so amazing.
I liked that the entire thing was a bit like a poem. It looks like some of the paragraph breaks are just formatting issues, but it made it better, and easier to read.
The way you described each sex scene was so frickin amazing. You captured all those beautiful bits like Shinji's hair and their skinny ankles, and the whole thing was just really romantic. AND there was some plot! I loved it.
This is amazing. You've managed to portray such depth and range of emotion without cheapening it - even the sex was appropriate for the story, rather than just gratuitous, if that makes sense.
A lovely, wonderful story - I'm so glad I decided to follow the link! This is charming, you've absolutely made my day.
Just read this whole fic in one go. AMAZING! Humorous, with beautiful turn of phrase and vivid but unusual similes. I also think you captured Urahara and Shinji really well.
Comments 10
Much, much love for this!!
I wish I could be more coherent, but... GAH. Really. Fan-fucking-tastic.
I liked that the entire thing was a bit like a poem. It looks like some of the paragraph breaks are just formatting issues, but it made it better, and easier to read.
The way you described each sex scene was so frickin amazing. You captured all those beautiful bits like Shinji's hair and their skinny ankles, and the whole thing was just really romantic. AND there was some plot! I loved it.
Okay I'll shut up now...
A lovely, wonderful story - I'm so glad I decided to follow the link! This is charming, you've absolutely made my day.
Humorous, with beautiful turn of phrase and vivid but unusual similes. I also think you captured Urahara and Shinji really well.
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