I feel the same so very often, so I have no idea what to say to even try and make it better. There's no magical solution I guess. If what you do isn't making you happy, there's every right to think "What the hell?!"
Maybe you need an ao-chan, maybe not. You can also figure things out yourself, I think.
ah~ there's the figuring out part again. i'm just too stupid to figure anything out 8'D i think that's how i ended up here in the first place 8D;
it would. indeed. ;3; you know. i figured something out: i do not fangirl aoi like "ooomghhe'ssohawt!11" but more like look up to him in so many ways. he's my idol >3 yumeshi sure is lucky to have someone like him as his oniisan☆ //babble
I dislike the crap I talk these days -_-' Too many English speaking teachers, too many English habits, too much GAMBARE and other shit. I should remember to get back to basics- become mean and thoughtless and Finnish again. So in other words forget the figuring out thing, fangirl like it's the end of the world and fuck, you saw Gazette, what does anything matter anymore?!!! *riots*
Kenzo also talked about Aoi as an oniisan. He seems to be like that, he has the aura of the older brother type.
true, you were being rather gambare-ish, strange :O i guess studying english really melts brain. so yeah, i'll emo for a little while, curse myself for being slow and FANGIRL LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW!"!# RIOT½#½32 >D
he does? i just started reading it >3> kjsgfhasgffshhiloveayabie!! yes, he has the right kind of aura♥ ;3; aoiiiii~ (← using the same tune as annoying girls use when saying kakkoii >'D)
Ehee, now I have two entries on my f-page with the same title. This seems to be a bad day for everyone :<
I know the feeling... Sometimes I really wonder why I'm here. And I don't think I know a single person who knows what they want XD; I hope you'll figure out what you really want sooner or later. I'm sure you will. *smiles*
seriously, SPOOKY. first the one on paula's fpage who made entry about the same thing as i did and likes the same stuff and now someone on your fpage updated at the same time with the same title O___O;
....yumeshi does T^T ...*is beaten*
even if i don't figure it out, i wish i'd be even slightly happy or content >-<;; ...but thanks ♥
...i think i have somewhere, but they're my favorite ones (and i lost them at uni >> so~ i had to come home without them)
sorry you had a bad day :( I hope things will work out for you. I have that too sometimes, when all the disappointment just gets to me...but aja aja fighting! ne? ^^;;
Comments 8
I feel the same so very often, so I have no idea what to say to even try and make it better. There's no magical solution I guess. If what you do isn't making you happy, there's every right to think "What the hell?!"
Maybe you need an ao-chan, maybe not. You can also figure things out yourself, I think.
A very own ao-chan would be nice though.
yeah.......... depressing, eh?
ah~ there's the figuring out part again. i'm just too stupid to figure anything out 8'D i think that's how i ended up here in the first place 8D;
it would. indeed. ;3;
you know. i figured something out: i do not fangirl aoi like "ooomghhe'ssohawt!11" but more like look up to him in so many ways. he's my idol >3 yumeshi sure is lucky to have someone like him as his oniisan☆ //babble
I dislike the crap I talk these days -_-' Too many English speaking teachers, too many English habits, too much GAMBARE and other shit. I should remember to get back to basics- become mean and thoughtless and Finnish again. So in other words forget the figuring out thing, fangirl like it's the end of the world and fuck, you saw Gazette, what does anything matter anymore?!!! *riots*
Kenzo also talked about Aoi as an oniisan. He seems to be like that, he has the aura of the older brother type.
so yeah, i'll emo for a little while, curse myself for being slow and FANGIRL LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW!"!# RIOT½#½32
he does? i just started reading it >3> kjsgfhasgffshhiloveayabie!! yes, he has the right kind of aura♥ ;3; aoiiiii~ (← using the same tune as annoying girls use when saying kakkoii >'D)
I know the feeling... Sometimes I really wonder why I'm here. And I don't think I know a single person who knows what they want XD;
I hope you'll figure out what you really want sooner or later. I'm sure you will. *smiles*
Don't you have another pair of mittens? ;__;
....yumeshi does T^T ...*is beaten*
even if i don't figure it out, i wish i'd be even slightly happy or content >-<;; ...but thanks ♥
...i think i have somewhere, but they're my favorite ones (and i lost them at uni >> so~ i had to come home without them)
sorry you had a bad day :( I hope things will work out for you. I have that too sometimes, when all the disappointment just gets to me...but aja aja fighting! ne? ^^;;
Feel better soon >3<~
me too .__. i really hope they will.
hai, aja aja fighting!! ^^;
thanks >3>
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