Love Undefined

May 19, 2012 09:00

Title: Love Undefined
Rating: NC-17, not at the beginning, but it gets there
Pairing: Lily and Ville, Lily and Bam
Genre: Drama/Romance
Disclaimer: I own Lily as she is a fictional character I created. As for everyone else, don't know and don't own. And I'm sure this never really happened.

Chapter 1,2
Chapter 3,4

The most arctic chill I’ve ever felt in my life crept down my spine as his calculated words and humid breath touched my skin

“Really?” it was an automatic response that came as I began casually giggling over that odd statement. His strong grip on my shoulders tightened slightly as I felt another light kiss on that sweet spot where my neck and shoulder collide. As those slight, but warm pecks continued, my eyes fell closed, letting myself sink into his touch. Ville’s large cool hands slid over my shoulders and down the length of my arms before coming to rest on the back of my hands, pressing them firmly onto the bar. The burning knot in the pit of my stomach grew as Bam’s sweet face appeared behind my eyelids; a face that was so soft, which I had come to love and cherish over the past few months, and it was in that moment I knew what I had to do. “I can’t do. . .” was all I managed to mumble before interrupting myself with a loud gasp as Ville gnashed his teeth against my skin.

“I bet Bam’s no good at that.” I could hear the smile curling his lips against my neck before he attached them to that same spot he had been working so diligently at and began almost violently sucking on my flesh, eliciting another loud, sharp breath from me.

“No,” my voice little more than a squeak, “not at all.” I mumbled as his hands slipped off mine and found their way to my waist. Detaching his lips from my overheating skin, Ville spun me around on the stool, causing me to come face to face with his sculpted features and allowing my eyes to land square in his. Those eyes of ancient moss were clouded this time, clouded with something I couldn’t describe: lust, desire, want, need, perhaps even love. Letting my eyes shift down I caught a quick glimpse of his swollen lips before he gingerly leaned in and landed them on mine in a ferocious kiss. There was no soft gentle lead in, instead his nicotine coated lips landed on mine and before I could even think about it my tongue was slipping over his, demanding as much contact as was humanly possible. Cool hands slipped under my shirt, leaving a trail of goose bumps as his demanding hands roamed over my flesh, finally gripping around the smooth satin of my bra covered breast.

I’ve heard people tell stories of how they cheated on the one person they truly loved; every story of it’s kind has the same slow build up, usually with a person they’d known for ages and had a mild flirtation with in the past. But not my story, all it took was one quick pinching tweak of a nipple and Bam never entered my thoughts again that night without provocation. Breaking our kiss suddenly, Ville quickly pulled the pink tank top off over my head and my hands quickly returned the favor, dragging the hem and the rest of his shirt off his pale abdomen. My nimble fingers traced the lines of Ville’s flat stomach as his chest rose and fell in time with his accelerated breathing. Letting my nails drag slightly down the pale skin, leaving my mark in dainty red lines, I looked to his face to find him chewing on his swollen bottom lip. His long fingers found their way to the small clasp on the front of my bra and just as my fingers released the snap on his jeans, he slid the now loose material down my arms. The dull sound of the fabric covered wire hitting the floor was drowned out by the hurried sounds of our bodies colliding in yet another animalistic kiss. My body shook against Ville’s as his hands squeezed my waist before pulling away form our kiss and nonchalantly picking me up off the stool and placing me on the smooth, wooden surface of the bar. He was quite a sight in the moment, topless with the button on his jeans unhinged, looking at me as if I was some sort of prey. Reaching out I grabbed the top of his jeans pulled him against the bar, between my legs, and let my free hand roam over his slightly disheveled hair that was still pulled back.

“I bet you look more dangerous with it down” my words a whisper as I gently pulled the elastic out of his hair, letting his brown curls come down around his face and a devious grin slipped over his lips.

“Is that what you want?” he cocked an eyebrow as his fingers pinched my nipples, “Can’t Bam give you that?”

“Shut up.” my hand slid down the front of his tight jeans, taking a firm grip of his rigid cock causing his smile to become wider as his talented fingers made quick work of the button and zipper on my jeans. Almost without my consent, my body lay back on the bar, causing the pizza box to tumble to the floor, and I lifted my hips, feeling his fingertips drag hard down my legs as he removed what was left of my clothing. As he shimmied out of his pants, exposing his tight body and begging cock I slid back on the bar, paying no mind to the sound of beer bottles and empty glasses hitting the floor, as I made sure to give him enough room to climb up with me. There were no romantic words or meaningful glances passed between us: Ville’s placed his slight frame between my far too eager legs and with one lust filled thrust our affair had begun. Our bodies moved in time in a way Bam and I had yet to perfect and I could feel Ville deep, so deep, far deeper than Bam would ever be able to reach. Our nameless moans and grunts filled the room as my back slowly moved down the length of the bar under the force of his thrusts. Our primal sounds echoed through my head as I focused on the sensations Ville was creating, wishing silently for them to never end. My quiet wishing was suddenly broken, as was our rhythm, by the sound of “I’m Too Sexy” coming from Ville’s phone which had somehow made its way next to my head on the bar. I watched in mortified fascination as Ville took a deep breath and proceeded to answer the call, all the while he was still burried inside of me and my needy hips were moving selfishly, trying to make him forget about the ringing.

“Ello.” his voice was disturbingly even, but his eyes were still clouded and they never left mine. I was lost in those green orbs that told me this was far from over, that told me he had no intention of leaving this situation without being satisfied. I was completely lost in thought, my hips still begging him to return his attentions to our needs.

“No don’t worry about it, she’s being an excellent hostess Bammie.” My eyes shot wide open as Ville’s smile only got bigger - he knew how uncomfortable I was and he enjoyed watching it. A few minutes later Ville closed the phone and placed it back on the bar and without so much as a mention of who he had been talking to, our rhythm resumed as if nothing had happened. While everything between Ville and I had been rushed, the sex was sex of endurance, lasting far longer than either of us had anticipated and what felt like hours later we came moaning meaningless sounds and leaving deep red marks down each others chest. As we lay there on that cool wooden bar, both of us spent and our chests still heaving for the appropriate amount of air, I let my mind wonder what Ville would say: this man who Bam idolized, a man that millions of women looked to as the modern day embodiment of a classic romantic. By body covered in sweat, our sweat, I rolled over to look at him, to study his face as I waited to hear his first post-coital words. Even though his eyes were closed he must have felt me watching him, because a knowing smile raised his blood red swollen lips and my heart stopped as I watch his mouth open, and what I thought would be deeply touching words filled the room.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell Bam.” That was the only thing he said before he got up and left me alone on that now cold bar.

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