(no subject)

May 08, 2010 00:12

Title: Yours
Pairing: Ville and OFC
Rating: PG - PG-13 for now.
Summary: A woman wakes from a five year coma only to learn that she has a husband and daughter she doesn’t remember.
Disclaimer: Apparently it's illegal to own people, but I do own a couple characters and some of the basic plot line.
Warnings: None for now.
Authors Notes: Sorry I didn't reply to the last comments. <3

Previous Chapters

July 23rd, 2002

Ville got home the other night, well early morning really. He said he got in around four. He was jet lagged from hell and exhausted so he didn’t wake me up. Which was kinda cool because I’d only gone to sleep an hour earlier, but at the same time I wish he’d woken me up. I wanted to see him as soon as he got in, but yeah. Didn’t happen.

It was really nice to wake up and see him sleeping next to me though. He looked so tired, so relieved to be home. I wanted to wake him up and talk, but I knew he needed to sleep. He’s still getting used to being back in this time zone. Guess he’s been far away for it to take him a couple days to get used to being back in Helsinki.

Well that and I’m sure he’s sleeping off the booze from last night and the night before. We had a welcome home party. Just me and him. Does it count as a party if we were the only ones in attendance? Yeah.

Ville and I spent both nights drinking and talking. Laughing and arguing over stupid things, listening to music. Making up for lost time. I should have asked him about the kiss that he gave me before, but I didn’t think about it when he were both drunk. I probably wouldn’t have remembered whatever bullshit answer he would have given me anyway.

I’m completely sure he’d tell me some bullshit. He’s fond of talking in circles instead of giving straight answers. Especially when he knows there might be potential backlash. I think the only people he doesn’t talk in circles around are his parents. At least...not as much to them as he does everyone else.

He called his parents yesterday before he was entirely too wasted to talk and promised them that we’d be over there for lunch tomorrow. I’m wondering why I have to go too. I mean, I adore his parents. They’re brilliant and very kind, but why do I have to go? Shouldn’t he go alone since he’s just gotten back into the country? I think Ville said something about his little brother being there too, so maybe that’s why. I’m not sure, I was just about plastered when he was talking to them.

After he got off the phone with Anita and Kari he looked a little, unsure. Upset about something. I asked him what was wrong, what his parents had said and he only shook his head then moved to the record player and dug through the stack. I have to admit that even though I haven’t the faintest clue as to what record he played, the haunting voice sounded so damn familiar. I just can’t figure out who it was. He changed it after the first song and put it back in the stack of other records, but I didn’t get to see who it was. I’m too lazy to go through them all to find out. It might have been the pink one though. I’ll listen to it later if I get the chance.

I’m so fucking glad he’s home! I can’t believe I missed him as much as I did. When he told me he was leaving for work I’d been devastated. Probably because he’s pretty much my only friend here besides Mikko and I didn’t have anyone to talk to. Mikko still hasn’t talked to me. Maybe he will since Ville’s home now. He’s home. I can’t help but get excited from those two little words. God I missed him.


July 25th, 2002

I have to go home tomorrow and get more clothes. Ville wants me to stay for a few more days. He says he missed me too much to let me go home just yet. I told him no, but he begged me and I can’t really tell him no about anything. He does this little pout. His little kicked puppy face. And I can’t help but fall for it. Every-freaking-time. I figure eventually I’ll grow immune to the pouty, puppy face. Until then I guess I’m staying with him. I’m sure he’ll let me go home in a week or so. Maybe.


August 11th, 2002

Ville’s leaving again soon. In a few days. I don’t want him to leave again. I tried the pouting thing with him to get him to stay and all he did was sigh and hug me to him as he explained that he absolutely had to leave and couldn’t stay. That he had some things to take care of and would be back in a couple weeks. At least he won’t be gone for an entire month again. He’s going to Germany this time he says. He still won’t say why, but at least this time I’ll know where he’s going to be. And this time he’s promised that he’ll be able to call more often so I won’t be as lonely. I think it’s as much for himself as it is for me.

Anita and Kari said they would come over and keep me company if I needed them to. Or that I could go to theirs if I wanted. I told them that I appreciate the offer and will probably take them up on it for a day or so. Just until I get used to Ville being gone again.

I talked to Mikko and Mika today. Asked them why no one talked to me while V was gone the first time. They stuttered a bit then said that everyone had been busy with work. I find it rather odd that Ville and his friends are all always busy at the same time. Maybe they work at the same place? For the same people or something.

One of these days I’m going to figure out what it is exactly that he does.


August 15th, 2002

Ville left this morning. I woke up as he was trying to sneak out without waking me up. I tried the puppy face again and he shook his head, kissed my forehead then whispered ‘goodbye’ as he left the flat. I waited until I was sure he was gone to cry. I’ve never felt so alone, but I didn’t cry long. I know he’ll be home soon.


Mina sniffled and blinked back tears as she felt Ville’s gaze on her face. Felt him watching her, waiting for her to say something. Anything. She’d run upstairs as soon as Angel was gone with her grandparents and hadn’t said anything to her husband. Hadn’t even acknowledged his presence as she buried herself inside her journal. She still felt like utter shit because she’d told him that she hated him for being so perfect.

She couldn’t come up with words enough to explain what she meant. Mina knew she had hurt Ville’s feelings. Her heart had broken when he’d tried to pull away from her. Then she had told him he was perfect and even though she knew he was still upset with her he had comforted her and held her as she tried to stop her tears long enough to see their daughter off.

“I didn’t mean it,” was all his wife could bring herself to say as she sat the journal aside after marking her place.

“I know that. Now.” She nodded slowly and covered her face with her hands as she cried in earnest.

“I shouldn’t have said it. I just...when Angelica told me what you said about angels. It was so beautiful and...I guess I never realized just how much things like that mean to children. To her. I...I know you’re not religious. I don’t think I am either. How did she get started on them?”

“Her Aunt Connie. One night when we were at the hospital it was raining so hard and Enkeli was scared. I knew that she and Connie had been talking about angels and I didn’t know how else to get our baby girl calmed down. I told her that the angels were crying and it wouldn’t hurt us. I’m surprised she still remembers.”

“I’m so sorry, Ville.”

“I know,” he whispered quietly as he took her into his arms. “It’s going to be alright, my Mina.” She nodded, her hot tears soaking into his shirt as she buried her face in his neck.

“I love you so much.”

“I love you, too. So very much.”

Ville rocked his wife gently, swaying their bodies back and forth slowly until her tears finally stopped and he felt her body go slack in his arms. She’d been torturing herself instead of talking to him about what she had said and he knew that he would have to break her of that habit or she’d never stop. She would always torture herself by dwelling on things instead of talking them through.

He shook his head and lay her down gently then knelt beside her to remove her jeans leaving her in her t-shirt and panties so she would be more comfortable as she slept. She stirred as he covered her with the sheet and he kissed her softly then sat next to her and picked up the journal opening it’s tear stained pages to where she had left off. He grimaced as he read and fought the urge to hide the journal.

He knew she would want to read it again as soon as she woke up and he dreaded it. In a few short hours when she woke she would read the journal entries about him coming home again. About him finally telling her the truth of who he and the rest of his band members were. About how she had told him to fuck off and never speak to her again as she stormed out of their apartment and moved back into her own that she’d never thought of selling because she truly hadn’t believed that they were actually living together.

Ville was afraid that she would grow angry with him all over again. Would she call Mige this time as well?

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