A Night with the Mad Hatter

Feb 13, 2010 13:30

Title: A Night with The Mad Hatter

Pairing: Ville and Oc

Rating: PG-13 (I don’t know)

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Ville Valo or the Mad Hatter. This is a work of fiction.

Summary: I think the title explains itself, though there is no sex here. I was too lazy to come up with that. But you can imagine it to happen right after the oneshot ends.

This oneshot doesn’t have anything to do with A Kiss to Seal my Fate other than the fact that I wrote it and has Ville on it.

AN: I’ve gone crazy and my muse came along for the ride! This was based on a dream I had after seeing Ville dressed as the Mad Hatter. Well, all my stories are based on dreams I had with Ville in them . . . Okay if you have seen the movie The Book of Eli, then you can place my story in their world. I haven’t seen the movie but I did see the trailers, sooo I don’t know. About the setting, imagine that their living chambers are in a hotel and they live in a special community that doesn’t move out. Hope you understand, because I didn’t. =P Time in the story: distant future I guess. This oneshot is in honor of me finally buying Screamworks! Took me long enough damnit!

Anyways, enjoy!

Cecilia placed the portable mirror next to her after looking at her permanently painted face as she had always done since she was a child. In the world she lived, at the cost of the evil sun rays, human people were force to paint their faces and bodies so they had fewer chances at having skin cancer. It was normal to walk around the desert-like cities and see people of all ages with freakishly white faces. In the world there was only one exception of this: The Mad Hatter, who also had painted what appeared to be red around his green eyes. Adding this only to his madness, considering his colorful and other century clothing, Cecilia knew his reasons for this, since she had been force by the man to become his lover in exchange he expired her family’s life a year ago. For the sake of her husband and two sons, she obligated herself to earn The Mad Hatter’s trust, by showing him her friendly side. Of course before she knew it friendship became something stronger as the crazy man showed her the side he hid behind his mad face and eyes. The Mad Hatter might had been his way to cope with the dry world they lived in, still he was easy to change from sane to insane. Cecilia could recognize when he was The Mad Hatter and when he was Ville. The last, it was mostly when they were alone.

The community they lived in feared even getting close to the woman, for they did not what to anger her ‘mate’. Not even her sons were brave enough to speak to their mother, not after last time.

Cecilia sat on a couch with Ville in their private living room, as the man played with a ball he found on his latest expedition of the outside world. He threw it up for it to hit the ceiling and bounce back for him to catch. It was irritating! She was trying to think of the easiest way to asked him something but the noise he kept making was driving her crazy. That day she had had the ‘cojones’ to speak to one of her sons, only to be told her husband was killed two days ago. Cecilia needed confirmation and she knew Ville was familiar with her predicament. He wouldn’t tell her though; the man was extremely possessive about her, both his sides, and no matter how Cecilia asked him she was going to get into some serious problem with him.

"My husband died."

Ville continued playing, seeing her words as only a joke. "I’m right here sweetheart."

That was it, there was no way she could make this easy. Just as the ball was going to land on the man’s hand, Cecilia jumped toward Ville to prevent him from catching the ball, at the same time as she glared at him with all the resentment she still held for him.

"You are not my husband!"

In a flash Ville was gone and Cecilia saw as The Mad Hatter appeared before her. "Yes I am."

It was too bad for her that she was stubborn, especially when dealing with this man. "I was married to Paul first!" Cecilia said trying to move from the mad man’s lap. Hatter pushed her lightly, knowing she would loose her balance and fall off the couch.

Cecilia managed to doge the small table on the living room when she fell, if not it would had been her death. Though she couldn’t doge the mountain of flesh that pined her to the floor. The Mad Hatter sat on her abdomen, taking the woman’s right hand to kiss where she was tattooed a while ago. Then he forced the tattooed hand close to her eyes forcefully.

"What does it say?" He asked in a way too sweet voice. It was scary. "Tell me what it says love."

She grilled her teeth, making one last effort to struggle from under him. However, The Mad Hatter wasn’t a legend for nothing. His resolve was too strong. She gave in. There was no going against him when he got violent. "Property of The Mad Hatter."

"Property of The Mad Hatter! ME!" The man pushed away the couch they were previously sitting on, to make space. He released her body of his weight only for a moment, to flip her over and pull her pants and panties down, to reveal her pale butt cheeks. Like he had done with her right hand, Hatter placed his attention on her left butt cheek which also was tattooed. Before she could even protest, he spanked her- hard three consecutive times.

Cecilia yelped in surprise, her hand moving to shield her backside.

"And here sweetie? What does it say here?" he warned in a velvety voice. "I’m sure you know it by heart. I do say it every time we fuck. Dearest, move your hands I’m not quite finished."

"Please…stop! Pleeease!" she implored, not knowing how she was going to endure an entire punishment for he was enjoying this.

Since she did not seem willing to move her hand away, The Mad Hatter pinned it to her back while delivering a volley of slaps which had Cecilia squirming and struggling uselessly. He finished with a last, loud smack. "Say it Cecilia!"

"Mine! It says mine." She rasped, now that the assault on her butt had stopped. The woman tried to reach again to her sore and red spot, but The Mad Hatter prevented it.

"Correction my love," he crooned. "It says mine." He moved off her, sitting next to her on the floor.

Cecilia sat, finally able to ease her aching spot with her hands. She began to cry, for Paul. After this punishment the adrenaline was still coursing in her body. "I loved him, you know."

His stare was nerve raking. It was twisted in two. Ville and The Mad Hatter. He sighed and then did something which surprised her at that moment. He took her by the arms pulled her onto his lap. She was so relieved that all she did for a minute or two was to sob into his shoulder, hiding behind the sheath of her hair which he soothingly stroked. He was Ville again. "I’m sorry; you know both my sides are very possessive about you Ceci."

She looked up to him, positive that he would kiss her. It was a little annoying, admitting that she actually wanted this controverter man to give her that simple gesture, yet she wanted it, with all her desire. And so he did kiss her, only to say afterwards: "Forget about them Cecilia. I am all you have, your everything as you are my everything. Love only me."

"Yes Ville."

ville valo, valo/oc

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