(no subject)

Jan 25, 2010 23:49

Title: Yours
Pairing: Ville and OFC
Rating: PG - PG-13 for now.
Summary: A woman wakes from a five year coma only to learn that she has a husband and daughter she doesn’t remember.
Disclaimer: Apparently it's illegal to own people, but I do own a couple characters and some of the basic plot line.
Warnings: None for now.
Authors Notes: Forgot I had this written. A littler filler chapter while I'm typing the next couple chapters so I won't take ages to post updates. It's a little bit longer than usual, just some fluffy stuff. :D <3

Previous Chapters

Ville walked back into the bedroom to find Mina sitting up in bed leaning against the headboard with Angel’s head in her lap as the toddler lay across the pillows. “She’s like a little magnet. You move and she follows you unerringly.”

Ville smiled. “I used to let her sleep with you on your hospital bed. The only time she’s actually slept in a real bed is here, since we’ve come home. She slept with me in the bunk on the bus and with you in the hospital.”

“Why didn’t...” Mina bit her bottom lip wondering if it would upset Ville to talk about when she’d been in the hospital, more than what he was anyway. “Why didn’t you get an apartment? Or a house? I mean, you didn’t have to stay. I’m glad you did, but you didn’t have to.” Ville sighed and moved to the bed, carrying her coffee and sat down in front of her. She took the cup form him carefully and sipped it while he stared down at his hands.

“I wanted to be there when you woke up. I was always so sure that that day would be the one you woke up. Every day I hoped would be the day you would wake up, but you didn’t. And I just...it never occurred to me to actually have somewhere to live at first. My parents and Jesse and the guys tried to talk me into getting a place there, but I didn’t want to leave you. Not even to sleep. Angel was raised in the hospital. She was three when they finally talked me into going back on tour. I couldn’t bear to leave her behind so she went along and the last two years she’s been raised on buses and in hotel rooms.”

“This is her first real stable environment.” Ville nodded.

“Yeah, I mean. She loved being on tour, but she was getting tired and so was I. We missed you so much.” He whispered with a shaking voice. Mina sat her coffee aside and moved Angel’s head from her lap, gently laying the girl’s head on the pillows she slept on and wrapped her arms around her husband tightly holding him in silent comfort. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her as tightly as she held him and she gasped quietly when he pulled her onto his lap. “I love you so much, Mina.” he whispered. “More than you’ll ever know.” She shook her head wildly and held his face in her hands, pulling back only far enough to meet his watering eyes.

“I know how much you love me. If you didn’t love me you wouldn’t have stayed with me. You wouldn’t love our daughter as much as you do. And you sure as hell wouldn’t have let me go long enough for you to leave on tour. I know you think that I think you didn’t love me is why you left on tour and took Angel with you. I know you love me. I know you loved me then. Hell you loved me the day I almost ran you over. I loved you too. It’s impossible not to tell from the journals that I was in love with you. I tried to convince myself that I wasn’t, but I was. I think, maybe I realized that you were in love with me too. But I hid from it. I didn’t go looking for love and neither did you. But we found it. Look what we’ve made of it.” She turned his head, along with hers so that they could see their sleeping daughter. “She’s our love.”

Ville nodded slowly, gentle tears falling from his eyes as he looked back to his wife. “I want you to move back into our room. Please? I can’t stand it any longer. I thought...I thought I could live with you being in here, but I can’t. I miss you, Mina.”

“I’m right here, baby.”

“It’s not the same. I miss holding you in my arms when we sleep. Feeling you in my arms when we wake up. Kissing you awake when I wake up before you. We used to talk every night before we slept. About our plans for the future, about the babies we wanted.” She nodded, biting her bottom lip, trying to keep from crying with him as he spoke. “There was so much.”

“Ok, don’t cry. Shh, don’t cry, Ville.” Mina was close to panicking as she held her husband in her arms, rocking him gently as he cried. Oh God. What do I do? Shit. What do I do? I don’t know how to handle this. I’m not good with crying people. What did I used to do when he was upset? “Why are you so emotional today, honey? Are you pregnant?” She smiled softly when he half-laughed and pulled away slowly, wiping his eyes.

“No, but Angel wants us to be.” Mina blinked.

“What?” Ville laughed at the shocked expression on his wife’s face then sniffled.

“Yeah, she wants a baby brother. Mama and daddy told her a story about me when Jesse was born. And Angelica decided that she wants a baby brother. I told her...” he trailed off sniffling again. “I told her when you got better maybe.”

“Ok, but why are you crying? Why are you so upset?”

“I always get upset when I think about what happened. I think it’s stress.”

“What are you stressed out about?” He just shook his head and she sighed, “we’ll move my things later, yeah?” He nodded, hugging her again. Hiding his mad grin as she continued to run her hand up and down his back in an effort to comfort him. He hated playing on her emotions like that, but he figured it was the only way he’d ever get her to move back into their bedroom. Probably she hadn’t even noticed his conniving yet. And had she just said ok to them having a baby when she got well?

Mina dropped the last of her clothes onto the bed that she would once again be sharing with Ville and sighed rolling her shoulders, trying to get rid of the ache that was almost constant. She stopped when she heard her husband coming, knowing that he would try to send to her a chiropractor, masseuse, or back to physical therapy. He worried too damn much but she loved that he did. She began lifting the garments three at a time so he wouldn’t know that she had carried almost all of her clothing at once and started toward the closet where he had made space for her things earlier in the day. He arms shook as she hooked the hangers over the metal bar and she winced as Ville spoke.

“You’re shaking, are you ok?”

“Fine.” she answered a bit too quickly and a little bit hatefully. “I shake a bit sometimes.” she added softly to take away the sting of her words.

“When you move around more than you should, yeah.” He told her, lightly reprimanding as he took the clothes from her. “Go sit.” She growled quietly then walked to the bed and sat on the very edge, watching him as he hung her clothes in their proper places.

I wonder what side he sleeps on? Which side do I sleep on? She looked down at the heavy purple-black comforter that was folded neatly on the bed. Does it matter? Did we have sides? Or did we just fall asleep where we lay? Probably we fell asleep tangled together like a pretzel. I can’t imagine us sleeping separate from each other on the same bed. I know we slept on the same bed when I’d spend the night at his apartment and when he slept at mine. At least that’s what the journals say, but still. I worry too damned much about these things don’t I? I just don’t want to upset him. I don’t like seeing that hurt look in his eyes. I should be used to seeing it. Shouldn’t I?

Mina lifted her head and watched as Ville hung up the last of her clothing then walked over to the vanity and started organizing her things on top of it. “Baby?” He turned toward her smiling softly and she sighed. “What side did I sleep on?”

Ville couldn’t help but laugh and sat next to her wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “We traded on and off. Pretty much it was just wherever we passed out. Is that ok? You can pick a side if you want.” Mina shook her head.

“No, it’s ok. I was just wondering. Worrying actually. I’m not sure how I’m going to feel sleeping with you on the same bed. I know we’ve done it a couple times, but I’m nervous about it.”

“Only one way to find out right?”

She laughed as he picked her up and tossed her higher up onto the bed then climbed up snuggling against her and pretending to sleep.


“Mommy! Uncle Mige’s coming over! Daddy has to go to the grocery store.” Mina sighed, walking to the living room carrying a bottle of water and glared at Ville as he grinned sheepishly. Every time he had to go to the store or run some other errand Mikko was called and he came over to babysit. Not that Mina didn’t appreciate him taking the time to stay with her and Angelica. She was just tired of him babysitting every time Ville had to leave the house. She was getting along well enough that she didn’t have to sit down every time she walked up or down the stairs. She could even pick Angelica up now and carry her around. Even though Ville had told her she shouldn’t.

The doctor at her last appointment said that she was doing better than expected. He hadn’t thought that she would be walking this well or be able to lift as much as she could. At least that was what Ville had translated as she could only figure out small words. Of course if she’d ridden in her wheelchair like she was supposed to have been she would just now be walking around, but her stubbornness and Ville’s unwillingness to refuse her anything had deemed the wheelchair pointless.

“Ville, honestly. I’m fine. I can watch Angel on my own. You don’t have to call Mikko every time you need to run errands.”

“If you’d leave the house I wouldn’t have to. Besides I’ve only called him over the last few times.” He countered, pouting slightly. He still couldn’t get her to leave the house.

“I don’t need to leave the house. I’ve got everything I need here. I don’t need to get out and do things. Anyway it was only the one time and you decided to bring your brother and parents over. Just don’t bring anyone else over today ok?”

“I know you’re scared Mina, but you really should try going with me sometime. Please?” Mina sighed as he pouted more.

Stupid pouty lips. Why does he always have to pout at me? “Next time? I’ll try. Ok? But call Mikko and tell him not to come over.”

Ville grinned. “Of course, darling.” Mina’s eyes narrowed when all he did was blow her a kiss and walk out the door as the cab honked for him. She growled quietly then sat on the couch next to Angelica., knowing that it would only be about three minutes before Mige knocked on the door.

“Daddy’s a pain in the ass, Angel.”

Angel was still giggling when Mige knocked once then walked into the tower. He nodded sighing heavily when he saw Mina frowning at him. “If he didn’t worry so much I wouldn’t be here.”

“If he didn’t worry so much I wouldn’t love him as much as I do, but he’s a huge pain in the ass. He’ll be gone, what? Two hours tops? I think I can handle things on my own for two freaking hours, Mikko.”

“I know, but you’re lucky it’s me instead of Linde or Burton.”

“Why not Linde or Burton?” Which ones are they again? Mikko and Janne right? I haven’t even seen them yet. I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. Is Ville hiding them from me? Or me from them? Did I not like them? Or is there something I should know about them and he won’t tell me?

“They’re crazy, and I’m not sure if you’ll have a panic attack or not when you meet them. You have to do it soon though. They’re getting antsy and upset because Ville’s not let them come over yet. Gas too.”

“I guess, yeah. Were we all close? I mean, I liked them right?”

Mige knew that Mina wouldn’t ask the obvious question. “Yeah, and they all liked you. After they finally got to meet you. Ville wouldn’t let you meet us until after a while. Well, I got to meet you a few months before he told you about the band, and the rest of us got to meet you a couple weeks after I did. But he didn’t let them hang out with you very much because he was afraid that if all of us talked to you one of us would inadvertently tell you we were in a band. He was especially afraid that Janne would tell.”

“And then I would have broken up with him. Why would Janne have told?”

“You weren’t even dating then, remember? Well, you were, but you didn’t realize it. I don’t even think you realized it until after you were married. Anyway, ask what you will of me while he’s gone and we can get away with it.” Mina rolled her eyes as Mige sat across from her and Angel.

“Why would Janne have told?” she asked again. She had a feeling Mikko was leaving something out.

“Because, he hated Ville lying to you. We all did, especially after we finally got to meet you. We tried to get Ville to tell you and Burton nearly fought him over it. He told your idiot husband that if he didn’t tell you the truth, he’d do it for him. Of course all that did was make Ville keep you away from us more than he already had.”

“I don’t understand what was so bad about the band. Was he ashamed to tell me? Or did I not do something I should have done? Why did he wait so long, Mikko?” Mina pouted, but not laying it on too heavily because she was sure he’d be able to see through it.

“He was sca...Oh no. No, no, no.” He laughed at her dejected expression. “I don’t think so little sister. He’d kill me. You know where to find out about it. Read your journals. I’m sure you had a lot of uh...choice words to say about what happened. I’m not helping you with that one.”

Mina pouted, for real this time, and looked down at Angel who was sitting next to her. “Why do you think daddy didn’t tell mommy?”

The little girl rested her chin in her hand frowning thoughtfully as she stared up at Mina. “I don’t know. Daddy always does weird things. Maybe he thought you wouldn’t like him no more. Or maybe he thought you were the police. And you were supposed to catch him so he had to be really careful and not tell you about the music cause you’d catch him and put him in jail.”

Mina laughed wondering what the hell kind of movies her daughter had been watching and saw Mikko grin. He’d probably told Angelica that. “You really think so?” She asked the five year old. She nodded.

“Yep, daddy’s crazy.”

“I agree completely. I think I’m gonna go get the journals and bring them down with me. If that’s alright with you?” Angel nodded and giggled.

“Can I read with you?”

“Um...mommy might have written some bad words about daddy in them and we don’t want you to see them. How about you read some of your stories to Uncle Mige?” Mina grinned when she heard Mikko’s quiet groan. “Or, since Uncle Mige’s so nice and wants us to be happy and have things to do while daddy’s away, you might can put his hair in lots and lots of braids with ribbons and bows.” Angel’s eyes lit up with excitement and Mina looked to Mikko and grinned deviously when he started to protest.

“Even pink ones, Mommy?” Angelica asked as she bounced around on the couch cushions. Mina nodded.

“Especially pink ones. I’m pretty sure he likes pink ribbons and bows in his hair.”

ville valo, valo/ofc

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