(no subject)

Jan 10, 2010 23:33

Title: Yours
Pairing: Ville and OFC
Rating: PG - PG-13 for now.
Summary: A woman wakes from a five year coma only to learn that she has a husband and daughter she doesn’t remember.
Disclaimer: Apparently it's illegal to own people, but I do own a couple characters and some of the basic plot line.
Warnings: None for now.
Authors Notes: Another journal entry, it's kinda short. Will have a longer chappie next time. And I realize that this is moving really slow, but I'm hoping it will pick up soon and stop drawing it out so much.

Previous Chapters

A/N 2: Sorry if there's any grammatical errors and such. I kinda got hit in the head with a door so I'm a little woozy, but I wanted to get this posted before I go to bed.


“Do you want to sleep? Or do you want to read more?” Ville asked when they had finally tired of taking pictures. They were both a little breathless from laughing and jumping around so much, but neither actually felt tired enough to sleep. Mina grinned and kissed her husband lightly.

“Read more. There’s no way I’d be able to fall asleep right now.” He nodded, smiling back at her as he found the journal that had been set aside when they had started taking pictures. They settled back into their spots against the headboard and began to read again.

June 12th, 2002

After much deliberation and many days of constant aggravation and questioning. I have decided that Ville’s not gay. Ok, so not exactly. Well, I have decided he’s not gay, but it only took a little bit of deliberation. And a lot of aggravation and questions. I guess he’d finally had enough. Or maybe it’s because he’s leaving for work soon and he’ll miss me while he’s gone. I’m not entirely sure on his reasoning, but I’m not complaining either way.

I thought today would be like any other day. Ville and I would call in for our lunch or we’d have a little picnic out in the less inhabited areas outside of Helsinki. We’d hang out for a bit and then we’d go to his place, or mine and crash for the night. Of course the unexpected had to happen didn’t it?

He called and asked if it was alright to come over, like I would turn him away, and I said sure. Why wouldn’t I let him? He sounded a bit apprehensive on the phone. I wasn’t sure why. But he came over, bringing lunch and drinks with him. He barely talked as we ate at the dining table that I’ve only had for about a week now. I finally found the perfect one for my apartment.

I asked him what was wrong, knowing his emotions about as well as my own, I knew something was wrong. He promised nothing was wrong, but I knew he was lying. He can look straight into your eyes and lie like no other and most of the time you wouldn’t be able to tell, but lately I’ve been able to tell when he’s lying to me. He doesn’t very much, but when I does...he’s always got a reason behind it. Generally it’s a good reason, but I still don’t like it.

He needed cheering up, he really did. So I asked him, yet again, if he’s gay. He kind of sat there for a minute and then grinned and laughed. Then he got up, walked around the table to where I was sitting, lifted me up and kissed me. He actually kissed me. I’ve never been kissed with as much feeling as he put into that kiss before. I’m not sure exactly what he was feeling when he kissed me, but I know I’ve never been kissed like that. It was like he was afraid, frustrated, annoyed...there was so much more to it than that. I don’t know how to describe it.

Then he walked me to the livingroom door, and he turned to me saying that he had to go home and pack so he could leave tomorrow. I was too stunned to think and barely realized what he was saying. He asked me if I remembered that favor I’d promised him. I nodded almost hoping it was something sexual, because if he could make my mind go blank with just a kiss I was wondering what else he could do. Then it hit me that he was actually leaving and sex didn’t matter anymore. My best friend was leaving me and I wouldn’t have anyone to talk to while he was gone.

I told Ville that I did indeed remember the favor I’d promised him. He’s asked me to house sit for him while he’s away. He’s going to be gone for a month for work. He still won’t tell me what or where, just that he’ll be back in late July. Then he’s leaving again in August or September. He doesn’t know the exact dates yet. He offered to pay me for watching his place, but I told him no. I don’t need the money and I know he’d do the same for me if I asked him to.

He wants me to stay at his a few days a week while he’s gone. I’m actually kind of scared to be there while he’s gone. He’s always been there when I was there, I’m not sure how it’s going to work out when he’s gone. Probably it won’t be any different than staying here by myself, but you never know.

He’s promised to call while he’s away, but said it wouldn’t be as often as either of us would like. I miss him already. I’m pretty sure he’s not gone yet, I could call him, but I’m not sure I should. He’s probably busy getting ready to leave.

And what the hell was he thinking, kissing me like that and then telling me he’s leaving tomorrow? What am I supposed to do about it? Should I do anything about it? Do I ask him about it? Is there any point in asking him? It was just a kiss between friends right? I mean, he only did it because he was tired of me asking right?

Yeah, I’m pretty sure that was it. He was just irritated with me. That’s all it was.


ville valo, valo/ofc

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