(no subject)

Nov 06, 2009 00:34

Title: Yours
Pairing: Ville and OFC
Rating: PG - PG-13 for now.
Summary: A woman wakes from a five year coma only to learn that she has a husband and daughter she doesn’t remember.
Disclaimer: Apparently it's illegal to own people, but I do own a couple characters and some of the basic plot line.
Warnings: None for now.
Authors Notes: Hey look, an update! Go me! Thanks for the comments on the last chapter, you have no idea how much I enjoy them, even though I am sometimes too lazy to reply to them. lol. My bad for any gramatical errors. If you see any point 'em out and I'll give ya a cookie or brownie or beer...or somethin. :D

Previous Chapters

Ville walked into the tower with Angel hanging upside down from his hip and smiled seeing Mige laying on the couch, flipping through the tv channels. Angel squealed, sitting up and then sliding down from her father’s hip and ran to her uncle jumping right in the middle of him and laughing when he grunted.

“Uncle Mige! I hafta tell you somethin.”

Mige smiled wondering what was so important to his niece that she had to jump on him. “What is it sweetheart?”

“I saw mommy and daddy kissin!” Mige raised an eyebrow and turned to Ville who nodded slightly and was very nearly blushing. “Daddy sent me to get a towel for mommy and when I came back they were all hugging and kissing and mommy almost fell into the bath and she had a funny look in her eyes. Daddy did too, but I don’t know what it was.” Mige laughed as Angel continued to ramble about her parents’ kiss. He had a pretty good idea what look they had in their eyes.

“Where’s Mina?” Ville asked, looking around the tower. Did Mige let her run away? His long time friend sat up, sitting Angel next to him on the sofa and rubbed the back of his neck as if trying to rub the stiffness out of it, but Ville knew it was a nervous gesture.

“She’s upstairs.” Ville nodded started to head for the stairs and stopped when Mikko stood and shook his head. “She’s reading the journals. I...we talked a bit and I know what she won’t tell you and I know why. I told her that at least she should read the journals you know? She’s been up the for an hour or so.”

“What do you mean what she won’t tell me and why?”

“Uh...” Ville crossed his arms and stared at Mige when he began to stutter. “She...we...I’m not going to tell you. It’s a violation of her confidence. You two really need to sit down and talk. And I mean talk. And you really need to not be so...you make her nervous. She’s...in a delicate situation right now and she’s nervous that she’s not going to be Mina. Like she feels like she can’t compare to her. I don’t know. Just talk to her, but wait until she gets done reading the journals. For today at least. I know she wants to see Angel.” Mige rambled, completely unawares that he’d just told Ville most of the parts of his conversations with Mina even though he said he wasn’t going to. Something about Ville just made him give up too much information. Always had. “I gotta go.”

Ville watched as his friend practically ran out of the tower, his rambling explanation doing little to ease Ville’s worry. Have I been pressuring her too much? Of course it’s possible, but have I been doing something that horrible that she’s scared to tell me what’s really going on? I knew she was nervous, but is she that afraid that she’s not going to be able to add up to how she was before?
“Daddy? What’s wrong?” Angelica broke him from his paranoid musings, as always knowing instinctively that something wasn’t right.

“Daddy’s just worried about your mama, princess.”

“Is mommy going to leave?” He shook his head quickly, hoping and praying that he was right, as he leaned down to pick up his daughter.

“No, baby. Mommy’s not going to leave us.” He murmured as he rested her on his hip. She sighed tiredly and rested her head against his chest. “Mommy loves us too much to leave us.”

“I get scared sometimes and have bad dreams.” His throat and chest tightened and tears threatened at the idea of his baby girl having bad dreams and being scared about Mina leaving. How would he ever be able to convince her that Mina was there to stay? He’d have to convince himself first wouldn’t he? He sat down on the couch, readjusting Angel and snuggled her close.

“You have bad dreams about mommy not being here?” Angle nodded, her wavy curls moving against his arm. “Do you know how to get rid of bad dreams?” She nodded again, this time tangling her fingers in his shirt.

“You talk about them and then they aren’t scary anymore.” Ville nodded as he began to comb his fingers through Angel’s hair. Something he knew would comfort her just like it comforted her mother. “I woke up and went to wake you and mommy up, but mommy’s hospital bed was there and she wasn’t in it. And you were sitting there and talking to her, but she wasn’t there. I was crying, but you didn’t hear me.” Ville’s heart broke as his daughter sniffled, her hot tears soaking into his shirt.

Had he been wrong to keep Angelica in the hospital for so long? To let her see her mama in the hospital every day of her life until two years ago? He’d been so scared to leave his wife for fear that she would wake while he was gone. So he stayed. And now his baby was having nightmares. He began to rock her back and forth, shushing her gently.

“Shh. Mama’s not going to leave us, enkeli. She’s going to be here every time you wake up. I promise. We’ll never be without mama again.” Even as he promised, Ville knew that there was a possibility that he was lying to his little girl.

Mina watched from the middle of the stairs as her husband comforted their daughter and promised that she would never be without her mama. Tears dripped slowly down Mina’s face, she tried to blink them away but they kept coming. She couldn’t understand why she was so heartbroken. She understood Angel’s heartbreak. Why she worried and why Ville worried, but were they so ingrained into her life now that anything that hurt her family, hurt Mina as well?

Was that how families were supposed to be? She sighed heavily and walked down the stairs, moving to stand behind the couch.

“Ville? What’s wrong?”

Ville’s eyes widened for a second as he wondered how long his wife and been there and how much she had heard. He leaned his head back against the couch and stared up at her frowning slightly at the tears in her eyes. He realized then that she had probably heard everything.

“Angel’s just been having some bad dreams.” he whispered as he continued to rock their daughter, her breathing had slowed, though it still hitched every once in a while. He knew she was asleep, but he couldn’t bear to lay her down. His wife only nodded and he wondered if she was afraid to say anything about what he had obviously heard.

“She’s beautiful Ville.” He smiled nodding his head and looked back to his daughter.

“Like her mama.”

“She looks like you too.”

“She favors you more.” Mina laughed quietly, knowing that they could get into an argument about who their daughter looked like and shook her head.

“Yeah, you’re right. She barely looks like you at all.” Ville huffed, laying Angelica on the couch and covering her with the throw then stood up and walked around the couch to stand next to his wife. She turned to face him and smiled as she sat on the edge of the black leather sofa. Ville wrapped his arms around her waist, grinning hugely as she blushed, though she didn’t resist when he pulled her against him, their hips flush against one another.

“I missed you today.”

As much as I nearly hate to admit it... “I missed you too.” Mina whispered. “I did find some things out about us from Mige though. Just a couple little things.”

Oh shit. I wonder what he told her. Probably about the band. And probably that’s why he ran out of here so quickly. He knew I’d kill him. If she’s been reading her journals, she probably already knows. Then again maybe she hasn’t gotten that far and I won’t have to bring it up quite yet.

Maybe he just told her some dating stories. Ville’s eyes widened a bit when he realized that Mige could have told Mina how he had gently maneuvered her into dating him, moving in, and eventually marrying him. Did Mige tell her that I plotted and planned from the first time that I saw her? Oh shit.

Ville had from day one began plotting and planning to get Mina to be with him. He’d taken her on a private tour. Taken her to dinner the next night. They’d gone on several dates that she was completely oblivious to the fact that they were on an actual date. As far as she knew they were just becoming good friends. She never once realized they were going on dates. She’d been too lost in her own little world of trying not to fall for someone, Ville especially, after that jack-off had hurt her so badly.

Ville had, had to leave for a small tour and convinced Mina to stay at his apartment a couple nights a week while he was away. He told her she’d be house sitting for him while he was away for work though he hadn’t told her what he would be doing. She had agreed and though she hadn’t stayed but two days a week, she’d been there when he had gotten home from tour, sleeping on his couch and he had been pretty sure at the time that she hadn’t slept in the bed once even though he’d taken the time to put clean sheets and blankets on it before he’d gone.

He had carried her into the bedroom and slid with her into the bed, holding her as she slept. She woke up the next morning, he was still awake and had watched her sleep through the night as was his habit some nights when she would sleep over. He had convinced her to stay with him for a day or two, he had missed her very much and didn’t want to be away from her so soon.

So she had stayed. Two days became three, then four. On the fifth day she had gone home to get some clothes and had spent the night at her own apartment. On day six she had gone to his early in the morning, letting herself in with her key, and climbed into the bed with him saying that her bed was uncomfortable and she couldn’t sleep on it anymore. During the next couple months they had gradually moved in together, though she still kept her apartment across town.

“What’s wrong?” Ville blinked, breaking from his memories and shook his head, smiling at his wife.

“Nothing sweetheart, just thinking.”

“It looks like it hurt a bit.” He rolled his eyes, laughing then kissed her softly.

“What did Mige tell you today?” Her eyes glittered with excitement and she began to ramble.

“Mikko, told me that this one time, you were being a total doomy prat, he called you that, not me. And it had been snowing for days and you were asleep up in the bed and I called him over and we got huge handfuls of show and shoved it down your pants. I got the front and he got the back. And we almost accidently gave you frost bite on your um...” She blushed immensely as she looked down at their joined hips. “...bits.” she giggled as her husband groaned as if feeling the ice cold all over again. “Cause we wouldn’t let you get up and then Mikko carried you down stairs and threw you out in the yard and we locked you out.” she giggled again when he nodded, pouting a bit. “Apparently it was really super cold outside.”

“In minus three weather, with nothing on but wet pajama bottoms. Yes it was very cold, but you did eventually let me in. After I was close to losing my bits as you put it.” He grinned madly, trying to decide if he should embarrass her further, by telling her just how they had managed to rescue his bits. He leaned forward, putting his lips to her ear and listened to her gasp and feeling her face flood with heat as blood rushed to her cheeks, as he told her exactly how she had kept him from freezing completely.

He leaned back, watching emotions flicker in her eyes, as if she was trying to decide if she should be upset or amused and finally smiled when she broke up laughing though her face was heavily flushed. He could tell she was embarrassed, as shy about things as she was now, but she was still amused.

“Did I really?” He nodded and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him softly, forgetting for a moment that she was nervous around him and afraid that one little kiss would lead to so much more than what she was ready for. They laughed, neither of them thinking about whether it would wake their daughter or not and Mina finally sighed, wiping the tears of mirth from her eyes. “Oh, I love you. You crazy Finnish man.”

“Love you, too.” Ville whispered. Wondering if Mina had even realized what she had said and that she had said it in Finnish.

ville valo, valo/ofc

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