Resurrection of Hope: Chapter Six

Oct 30, 2009 17:25

Title: Resurrection of Hope
Author: poisonxangel
Rating: NC- 17
Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own
Warnings: Sexy times. Damn. Spoiler alert.
Summary: Ville meets a new hope

Charli stood on the other side, looking at him with guilt- ridden midnight blue eyes.  She had his jacket over one arm and a cup of coffee in each hand.  She extended the arm with the jacket and said, "I meant to return this to you sooner, but... I'm sorry," as Ville stood in the open doorway, shocked.

Recovering, he took the jacket off her arm and she motioned for him to take the cup, too.

"Can I come in?" she said softly.

Ville backed away from the door, making room for her to enter.  She took a sip of her coffee before setting it down on the table, just as Ville did seconds before, and turned to him slowly.

"I owe you an explanation," she said, her voice still quiet, lacking the sweetness it had the week before.

Right then, at that moment, Ville didn't care.  He was just relieved and elated to have her near again; suddenly his mind couldn't remember why they'd fought.  He looked at her, seemingly drowning in her too- big sweat pants and long sleeved t-shirt.  He grabbed her frantically, pulling her close to his chest, and locked their lips together.  For what seemed like forever, though it was only really a few seconds, she melted into him, responding to his touch, wrapping her arms around his neck.  He lifted her up by her waist, and she curled her legs around his hips tightly, still refusing to break the kiss.  He walked them to the bed, laying her down under him, his mouth needing her hot kiss as he opened her mouth with his tongue and she moaned quietly, approving the sensation of his soft mouth against hers and his hot tongue invading her mouth.  Ville moved to sit up, giving them time to breathe, and for Charli to get her head together enough to say, "Ville...", looking up at him, worried. He put his finger to her lips, saying, "Shh, kulta, not tonight.  Tonight, it's just us." and leaned in to kiss her again, and again, until he didn't think his lungs could take anymore.  He worked her shirt over her head with her assistance, and urgently brought his lips to her collar bone, kissing a trail down to her chest, through her bra, and breathed her scent, the scent of his dream, and continued down her stomach, stopping at the pants line.  Laying his head on her belly, he said, "Charli, I need you.  I need to feel you.  Please?" he begged, finally looking up at her.  She smiled nervously, but trusting him wholly, she stroked his jaw line and pulled his lips to hers. With her voice full of lust, she said, "Then feel me."

Ville reached around and unhooked her bra, sensually grazing her satin skin with his fingers.  She tangled her fingers in his silky curls, then ran her hands down his arms, back up to his chest, eventually grabbing him by the neck and pulling him in for another hot kiss.  He shoved her pants down, taking underwear with them, and she kicked out of them, leaving them half on the bed, dangling.  His own pajama pants were straining against his erection, and Ville stood while Charli took the sides, yanking them down while simultaneously taking him in her mouth.  The feeling of that mouth around his cock made him shudder hard and gasp audibly.  Charli licked and sucked the head, in a rhythmic but unorganized pattern, tracing first the head then along the bottom side of his shaft with her tongue, alternating between the point and the flat part of her tongue.  Ville could feel himself building up, but when she went even further down, licking between his swollen testicles and his ass, his knees went weak.  Charli must have expected this, as she reached her hand to his stomach, catching him, as she moved her mouth once again to his head, then encasing him in her wet mouth while using her finger to stroke the space between his balls and ass.  Unable to hold back anymore, he sang her name loudly as he spilled in her mouth, coating her throat, shivering as she swallowed and pulled more out of him.  Without a word, grabbed her up as gently as he could, but still with the urgency he'd felt just a few minutes ago when he first kissed her, and tossed her back on the bed lightly.  Positioning himself over her, he found her lips for another kiss, tasting himself in her mouth and moving his fingers down her body, finding her dripping wet and smiled into her mouth.  He rubbed her clit while licking and sucking his way down her neck as she gasped beneath him.  Spreading her legs, he lowered his mouth to her clit and licked lightly, like it was a soft kiss, making her grip the sheets on the bed.  He moved further south, into her hot pussy, licking the inside walls as she said his name breathlessly.  It was the sound he'd wanted to hear all week, not the cold way he'd last heard her voice, and the pleasure he felt just from her moans made him ache for her again, but he held off, wanting to make sure she was taken care of before plunging himself into her.  He felt her tense as she came, hard and trembling from her orgasm, pulling the sheets completely away from the mattress. Charli lay there, looking into Ville's eyes as she tried to catch her breath, grinning wide.  Ville chuckled at the sheets, the disarray confirming that he did a good job and the wet spot underneath Charli proving her satisfaction.  He placed himself over her again, this time matching their hips together as they kissed slowly, all urgency sated by their first orgasms together, and Charli again ran her hands over Ville's chest as she snaked her legs around his waist again, wrapping his body tightly with hers.  He rubbed his dick slowly between her legs, making contact with the clit and she gasped into his mouth and dug her nails into his back.  He wanted her tighter around him, so he pulled her even closer to him, still grinding her with his dick, and she dug her nails deeper, gasping, said, "I need you inside of me.  Right now." Grinning down at her, he shifted so his cock was right at her entrance, teasing her and he felt her get even more wet, drenching his dick.  He slid inside of her, making her gasp in ecstasy, fighting against the pleasure so he could keep his eyes open to stare in her deep blue eyes.  Ville had never felt such intensity, which was saying alot, since he was in general an intense person.  But at that very second in time, he felt filled with Charli, with the sensations of not only being near her, but being inside her.  The heat spread through his body and he was breathless for a minute before he could begin to move inside her.  He felt her tight wet heat enclose around him and suddenly he couldn't feel his body anymore... he felt like he was floating; the only thing keeping him anchored was her dark eyes, shining dark with lust and need.  He felt her twisting beneath him again, soft silky skin grasping for soft silky skin.  He moved faster, deeper, in accordance with her cries, until he again felt her tense around him, back arced and fingers digging deeper into his skin.  He came hard inside her, shuddering his pleasure and breathing a deep sigh of relief.  He collapsed on her, exhausted from emotions and physical exertion that he hadn't had any desire to do in the last two years.  He gripped Charli tightly and murmured in her ear, "I love you."  Not getting an answer, he looked up at her.  She'd fallen asleep quickly, exhausted as well, and Ville let her deep, steady breathing calm him and walk him gently into sleep.

He knew where he was immediately.  He resumed his frantic searching, though this time, he knew what he was looking for.  He approached the cloaked figure again, walking more rapidly than before, unafraid of the razor sharp white teeth.  He didn't care.  If he couldn't find her, he'd let himself be ripped to shreds.  The figure turned and bared his teeth.  "Don't touch! She's mine!" and the figure closed in on him.  Ville closed his eyes, expecting the teeth to close in around his jugular, but snapped them open when he heard Charli cry from somewhere in the trees, "NO! Don't! You don't want him!" and the figure turned sharply and ran to Charli's voice.  Ville could see her step into the clearing, glowing bright in a white silk gown that blew around her in the wind that he hadn't felt until that point.  He saw the cloak descend on Charli, and he raced to her, hands outstretched... and snapped awake.

Though he had his back to the window, he could feel the sunshine warm his bed and reached to pull Charli close.  Finding an empty bed, Ville said, "Charli?" sitting up and looking toward the door.  "I'm right here, Ville," she said from behind him.  He shifted in his spot to look at her.  The sunlight behind her made her glow, and he could see that she was wearing clothes, his clothes, and took that as a good sign, like she meant to stay.  She nodded to his bedside table, indicating to the cup of coffee that was sitting there for him as she sipped from her own cup.  "For once in her life, Amy assisted me," she said with a humorless laugh.

Ville reached for his cup and a cigarette.  Procuring both items in his hands, he looked back at Charli, still sitting with her legs pressed against her chest.  "How are you this morning, enkeli?" he asked.

She smiled tiredly at him.  "I'm ok.  I didn't really get to accomplish the exact reason I came over last night..." she said shyly, "And you deserve an explanation; you're right… it's only fair."

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry..." he started, only to be interrupted by her hand waving and she closed her eyes, slowly shaking her head.

"No, Ville, I'm sorry.  I didn't hold up my end of the bargain and I couldn't expect you not to get angry.  I just... I should have told you when I said I would; but I skipped out on the first chance I got, trying to avoid telling you... maybe so I could extend my time with you longer before you left me because of what I'm hiding.  But I'm tired of hiding," she said, suddenly staring into Ville's eyes, "and I can't anymore.  So I'm going to tell you who calls when he shouldn't and why I have kept this secret from you."

Trying to lighten the mood, Ville said jokingly, "He's not your deranged husband trying to hunt you down, is he?"

Charli smiled tentatively and said, "Not exactly..."

Ville reached for another cigarette, getting the feeling he was going to need it and many more.

Charli took a deep, shaky breath and began her story.

"I didn't take this job to experiment for magazines, or to try and decide if I like that type of work.  I already know I don't.  And I’m not ‘indestructible’ because I’m clumsy.  Amy isn’t with me to assist me, well, not in the regular sense of the word.

“I’m here to do spreads for a magazine, yes.  But I took the job because it gets me across the country from the man who tried to kill me.”
I suck at cliffhangers. Shall I do more? Your comments will tell me so...

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four
Chapter  Five

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