(no subject)

Oct 07, 2009 23:42

Title: Yours
Pairing: Ville and OFC
Rating: PG - PG-13 for now.
Summary: A woman wakes from a five year coma only to learn that she has a husband and daughter she doesn’t remember.
Disclaimer: Apparently it's illegal to own people, but I do own a couple characters and some of the basic plot line.
Warnings: None for now.
Authors Notes: *gasp* An update! It didn't even take a couple months this time. xD

Previous Chapters

Mina knelt on the couch, leaning on the back to see into the kitchen so she could watch Mikko maneuver around as he made their lunch. They had talked, for hours, though it only seemed like minutes. He had told her about some of the times they had spent together. Planning and plotting against Ville when he was being a prat. Mikko’s word, not her own. There had been several occasions when the two had ganged up on her husband and tortured him just to be evil.

She figured if he was always as annoying with being so clingy as he was now then he had probably deserved a little torture. She honestly loved him, no matter how much she tried to tell herself that she didn’t. That she didn’t have a clue why. Maybe loving him was just inherent for her. She’d loved him dearly before, so she loved him dearly now. And she had to admit, at least to herself, that she liked being doted upon. At least in little bits at a time. Ville could dote too much, and frequently did. And while it was slightly irritating, it only made her love him more.

Anyone that could show that much compassion, that showed that amount of love and devotion deserved that much, if not more, love and devotion in return. If only she knew him well enough to show him properly.

She smiled softly, hearing Mikko humming as he stirred something that was filling the tower with delicious scents. He seemed lost in his own little world and she wondered how often he actually cooked. It didn’t look like he did that often from the mess in the kitchen. Anyone that cooked a lot would be more efficient, more tidy than he was. Ville would probably have a stroke when he came home to find his immaculate kitchen in near ruins.

From what Mikko had said, her husband used to be the worst when it came to cleaning. He had kept his old apartment in shambles, his kitchen counters covered in dishes, and piles of trash. It was only accessible from the narrow trail that he had made by kicking things out of the way as he walked. His whole apartment had been like that apparently. The living room had been strewn with papers, ashtrays, beer bottles, notebooks, CDs, clothes. The bedroom was even worse.

She was only glad that she didn’t remember seeing it that way. Mikko swore up and down that she was the one that got Ville to change his ways and actually clean. Although she’d helped him clean most of it and would whenever she was over at his place. She thought it was kind of intrusive that she had just started cleaning his place and even said so. The man who was still cooking told her that she waited until Ville had started panicking about his place being a mess and started rushing around and cleaning whenever she was there before she started helping him clean.

They’d made a silent and subtle transition at that point, going from friends to roommates and eventually lovers without noticing anything changing between them until they had gotten engaged. They had soon moved into the tower and gotten married, having each sold their respective apartments and used the money as a down payment on their new home. She’d gotten pregnant and they’d been even more happy than they had been. At least until she was injured.

Which nearly brought her full circle to the present. But there was still so much that Mikko had left out, refused to tell her. She had so many questions that needed answers and he refused to give them. ‘You need to talk to Ville about that.’ he’d said. Every other question it seemed he’d given that answer.

“I’m not going to tell you.” Mikko said, suddenly appearing right in front of Mina, as if knowing where her thoughts had headed. “I can see by the look in your eyes. You’re pouting again, Miss Mina.” She shrugged, then gasped and giggled when he pulled her over the back of the couch and dragged her into the kitchen. “Time to eat.”

She rolled her eyes and sat at the table in front of a bowl of what looked like some kind of soup and a glass of tea. Mina waited until Mikko had sat down to pick up her spoon as she stared down at the bowl. Is that fish? She grimaced slightly then jumped when her friend jabbed her side demanding that she eat. “It’s got fish in it?”

He rolled his eyes then took a bite. “You love it. Trust me.”

She smiled weakly, so far he hadn’t given her a reason not to trust him. But was she willing to test that with fish soup? She lifted a spoon of the soup to her mouth and grimaced before taking a bite. He had taken the time to cook after all. “I like it.” She smiled taking another bite.

“Told you.” Mikko hid a smile in his tea as he watch his sister eat her soup. He had never gotten her to eat it before. She wouldn’t even try it because it had fish in it. She had always sworn that fish belonged in only two things. Fish sticks and fish tanks.

The one time that she had allowed him to cook the soup in her home she had gagged and choked and asked if he had just poured the contents of a fish tank into a pan and lit the fire on the stove. She had stood over his shoulder, watching him cook and looking for goldfish and guppies. She’d been bribed with kisses from Ville, hugs and beer from Mige and Mina had still refused the soup.

Though Burton was the only real cook out of the band Mina had only allowed Ville and Mige in her kitchen. She said two drunken Finns was enough and adding one more would just ruin everything. Ville rarely actually tried to help cook as he could burn water and had set fire to the stove twice. After that it was mostly supervising and critiquing.

Everyone had been surprised when he had actually learned to cook. So he could only manage a few simple things but it was more and better than just popping something into the microwave. Which Mina and he had done for most of their relationship. Either that or going out to eat. Ville had only learned because he wanted to be able to feed Angel things that were good for her. Something aside from the crap that he lived on. They still ate out a lot, but Ville had managed to feed her at home a few times. They’d lived on hospital food for the first three years of her life anyway.

Mige suspected that Ville was teaching himself to cook new things from the groceries that were stocked in the refrigerator. He probably thought he had to impress her. And he was probably too busy to see that she was already impressed with him and completely in love with him. Mige wondered if Mina had actually told Ville that she loved him, or if it was Ville’s wishful thinking. Not one for tact, and figuring straight out would be less difficult for Mina, he asked.

Mina’s eyes widened and she choked on her tea, picking up a napkin and covering her mouth as she coughed. “Do what?” she asked after clearing her throat.

He nearly rolled his eyes knowing that her shock was as good as an admission of guilt. Not that she needed to be guilty about telling Ville that she loved him. “Did you tell your husband that you love him when he was sleeping?”

“Not exactly, no. I said I thought I loved him. I'm still not sure. I don't...I don't know, Mikko. There's too much going on in my head to be able to make sense of anything. Especially why I feel about him the way I do. So, yes I love him, even though I'm not entirely sure why. Sometime's...I feel like my heart's breaking when I see him watching me the way he does. There's love and devotion and compassion and it's beautiful. But, there's also sadness. Because I'm not who I was or because he thinks I don't love him back or," She sighed. "any other number of things. It could be anything. He doesn't talk to me about it. I think we both tend to avoid the subject. It’s easier not to mess with it.”

“Hiding from it doesn’t make it any less real, Mina. The only way you’re going to get past any of this is by talking to him. You’ve been home for a couple weeks. Enough time to get used to living with him. You’ve been wanting to talk about all of this since you woke up, sweetheart. And now when you’ve finally worn him down you don’t want to talk anymore.”

“I didn’t know it was going to be this scary,” she whispered rubbing her face with her hands. She shook her head dropping her hands to the table and started picking at her fingernails. “I didn’t realize that I’d be scared to learn who I am. What if I don’t like myself? There’s so much I don’t know. And I know I can change the things I don’t like...” she trailed off shaking her head.

“You’re scared if you do, you won’t be Mina anymore.” She nodded slowly, as if afraid to admit even that much to herself.

“I’m so afraid, Mikko. He scares me. I scare myself. I don’t...I keep thinking that I won’t compare to her and I know it’s not...it’s not exactly unfounded that I might not. I’m afraid that I’m nothing like her. Or will be nothing like her. His Mina. He’s so in love with her. The person I used to be. I feel stifled. I’m scared I’m not going to be able to compete with this woman that he’s so desperately in love with.” Her mouth snapped shut with an audible snap when she realized she was rambling and she closed her eyes dropping her head to the table. Christ I’m so stupid.

Mige watched his long time friend slump down on the table and closed his eyes, praying that she and Ville would be able to make it through the hard times ahead. He knew that they were making things harder on themselves by talking about some things and avoiding others, but they had to talk and deal with things as they were or they would never make it. No matter how much they both wanted to. Ville and Mina would go their separates ways. Angelica would be left with a broken family because her parents were both hardheaded and wouldn’t just give in to each other. No child deserved that. Especially Angelica. None of them deserved that actually. Ville and Mina had been through too much together to wind up divorced and sharing custody of their daughter.

“The only way the both of you are going to be able to make it through this with your sanity intact is by talking and hashing this out. At least read the journals, Mina. There had to be a reason why you wrote them so religiously. This is it.” He smiled softly and lifted her head from the table with one hand. “Even if you don’t like reading them you have to. For yourself. For Ville and especially for Angelica.”

“Yeah, but.”

“No buts,” Mikko cut her off softly. “If you want to know why you’re in love with Ville, you’re going to have to read your journals.” He grinned knowingly as he told her what day to start reading her journal. It’s not like she knew that she had written about almost running over Ville the day they had met. “If I were you, I’d start on April 3rd, 2002.”

Mina raised an eyebrow. “What happened on April 3rd? That someone’s birthday or something?” God I hope it’s not someone’s birthday. If it is I’ve missed it. Five of them. She still couldn’t figure out her obsession with birthdays.

Mige smiled. “No, no. That’s cheating and I’ve already told you enough. Now eat, you’re much too skinny.” She laughed, throwing her napkin at him.

“Ok, Teddy Bear.”

As always comments and con-crit are muchly appreciated.

ville valo, valo/ofc

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