(no subject)

Jun 04, 2009 02:56

Title: Yours
Pairing: Ville and OFC
Rating: PG - PG-13 for now.
Summary: A woman wakes from a five year coma only to learn that she has a husband and daughter she doesn’t remember.
Disclaimer: Apparently it's illegal to own people, but I do own a couple characters and some of the basic plot line.
Warnings: None for now.
Authors Notes:

Previous Chapters

The plane ride wasn’t nearly as uncomfortable as Mina had thought it would have been. She was expecting long awkward silences, followed by awkward chatter, followed by more awkward silence. What had happened, being completely unexpected, was excited chatter, comfortable silences, and more exited chatter. Mostly from Ville, Mige, and Angelica.

Not that Mina wasn’t excited as well. She was mostly nervous, but seeing the three people she already knew she couldn’t live without being so excited about going home helped calm her nerves. After the initial panic when she realized that she was flying halfway around the world with a man she didn’t necessarily know, Angel had managed to get her attention by telling her about all the ‘cool stuff daddy can do’.

Apparently Ville was a man of many talents that included, but weren’t limited to, playing the guitar, bass, drums, and piano. Angel swore to Mina that aside from Uncle Mige and the rest of her uncles, that Ville was the most talented person in the whole world.

How many uncles do you have baby? Mina showed her daughter the paper hoping that she could read it. She’d heard the little girl reading some Dr. Suess books. Angelica had read it out loud quietly and Ville had chosen that moment to look over his daughter’s shoulder.

“There’s Uncle Mige, and Uncle Burton, and Uncle Linde, and Uncle Gas,” Mina had raised an eyebrow at the mention of ‘Uncle Gas’. What kind of name was that? “And then there’s Uncle Jesse.”


Angelica nodded laughing at the look on her mama’s face and Mina listened as she started telling her about the cool stuff they could do too. Their entire family must be musically inclined.

“They play music while daddy sings.” Mina raised her eyes to Ville’s face and he smiled looking slightly sheepish before clearing his throat and turning away from them back to Mige.

Daddy’s in a band?

“I can’t read that one mama. Daddy what’s this one say?” Mina tried to take the notebook from Angel before Ville could see it but sighed when Ville pulled it from their daughter’s hands instead. He mumbled to himself in Finnish for a few seconds then lowered the notepad.

“How about you read Cat in The Hat to Uncle Mige, princess? It’s his favorite book.” Mina thought she heard Mige groan and Angelica giggled then switched seats, moving to sit next to Mige.

Only after she had started to read did Ville sit next to Mina and close the notepad taking his wife’s pencil from her. “Angelica could read that, just so you know.” Mina nodded. “She’s not allowed to talk about...our...work I guess you could say. At least not to anyone we don’t know. She doesn’t know she’s not supposed to tell you about it. I didn’t think we’d be having this conversation so soon.”

“We c..an talk l.lat..ter.” Mina stuttered quietly, knowing that Ville would want to put it off. He seemed so uncomfortable with the subject. And I don't think I'm entirely comfortable with it either. A band? What kind of band? What was I thinking?

“If we can, please.” Mina nodded and Ville sighed with relief and leaned against her. “Are you excited about being home? Or nervous?” She just nodded and he laughed. “Both huh? It’s the same for us you know. You haven’t been here in so long, and Angel’s never even really been here that much either. Just a few times. It’s so beautiful sweetheart. You’re going to love it.”

She nodded, forcing a smile so he wouldn’t be upset.

God I hope so.


Mina stared in shock as the taxi she, her daughter, and husband were riding in, came to a stop near a towering...well, tower. Angelica giggled bouncing up and down in the seat between her parents and Mina shook her head. There’s no way in hell we live in a tower! What is this? The middle-freaking-ages?

Ville must have sensed her shock because he reached behind their daughter and took Mina’s hand squeezing gently. “It’s alright darling.” She barely blinked in acknowledgment and he sighed then payed for their ride and climbed out of the car. Angelica followed closely and Mina sat, staring blankly at the rock structure in front of her.

“Come on sweetheart. You can look at it once you get out of the cab darling. I’m sure he’s got to be somewhere else.” Mina shook her head and Ville sighed then patted Angelica’s bottom and told her to wait by the front door. She giggled then skipped toward the tower as he grabbed their bags from the trunk of the car. “Mina, you have to get out darling.” She shook her head and he sighed once more. “If you don’t get out of the car, I’m not going to tell you anything,” he threatened, knowing that more than anything else in the world she wanted to know about her past. Before she’d met him and after.

She finally sighed then opened her door and climbed out slowly, holding onto the door and roof of the car. I hope I don’t fall on my ass. It probably wouldn’t be the first time anyway. Ville smiled at her and she smiled back softly as she took the first few hesitant steps away from the car. She managed to shut the door after a few wobbly seconds then walked around the car and moved toward Angelica, ignoring Ville’s offer of help. I refuse, even for one tiny second, to look at the tower. I’m not going to look up, I’m not going to look up. She glanced up at the tower once more and stumbled over her own feet barely managing to catch herself as she got to the door.

I looked at the tower.

ville valo, valo/ofc

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