(no subject)

May 21, 2009 01:23

Title: Yours
Pairing: Ville and OFC
Rating: PG - PG-13 for now.
Summary: A woman wakes from a five year coma only to learn that she has a husband and daughter she doesn’t remember.
Disclaimer: Apparently it's illegal to own people, but I do own a couple characters and some of the basic plot line.
Warnings: None for now.
Authors Notes: My bad for any spelling mistakes and all that. This is a little bit longer than some of the last chapters(I think), and I'm not sure when I'll be able to update again. My comp is getting revamped tomorrow so I'm having to save everything to CD-Rs and hoping that it'll survive. lol. Shouldn't be too long, but you never know. :)

Previous Chapters

Mina glanced up at Mikko as he snapped his fingers to get her attention. How long had he been trying to talk to her? She raised an eyebrow and he smiled softly then turned and pointed to Ville’s dejected figure slouched back into one of the chairs out on the balcony. Cigarette smoke curling around him as he leaned his head back and let the grey smoke filter from his lips. His eyes were closed, and if he hadn’t been smoking, he would have appeared to be sleeping. Or dead.

Mina could swear that he’d lost weight from the first time she had seen him in the hospital. He refused to eat, only eating a couple bites when Angelica, already knowing her father’s eating habits, glared at him with an admonishing gaze in her eyes. He was pale, his skin almost seeming translucent in the right or wrong lighting and he had heavy bruises of fatigue under his eyes, like he hadn’t slept in ages. Mina was beginning to think he was a vampire. Honestly it wouldn’t have surprised her if he was. Aside from the going out in daylight stuff. Vampires didn’t do that did they?

The young woman looked back to Mige, her eyebrow still raised and he sighed then started pushing her wheelchair through the hotel room. He was going to make them talk if it was the last thing he ever did. God fucking knew that if he didn’t make them talk now, that the two of them never would. He knew the both of them well enough to know that. Mina was just as stubborn now as she was five years ago. Ville was even more stubborn now. Especially when it came to Mina. Wanting to protect her from everything. But he couldn’t could he? There was only so much Ville could do to protect her and frankly, Mige thought that he was trying a bit too hard to do it.

Ville needed to tell her about her past. And soon, or she was going to get fed up and find someone else to do it. Or...at least try to. She didn’t have friends here anymore and especially none that would have been able to tell her any more than what Connie already had. Mige, himself, had refused to tell her anything more than what he had when she was in the hospital, feeling that it was Ville’s job so to speak.

Mina reached down and slammed the brake handles down on the wheel chair causing it to pitch forward as Mige pushed and she fell to the floor groaning and holding her head.

“Fuck, Mina, why the hell did you do that?” He snapped.

She shook her head quickly and sat up hoping that Ville hadn’t seen her stunt. There was no way he’d be able to hold back from touching her to make sure that she was alright. Then hugging her and berating her for being foolish.

“You’re going to talk to him. Broken bones won’t prevent that. Neither will concussions, faked ones at that. You didn’t hit your head and you do not have a headache. Now get up.” She frowned taking hold of the chair and pulled her self up slowly, slapping Mige’s hands when he tried to help her sit.

“No...talk.” She spoke hoarsely. Her English sounding broken like her daughter’s. Angelica was doing so much better though. They had all been speaking English for Mina’s benefit and the little girl was easily picking it up.

“Yes talk. You’re going to talk to him, apologize for being stubborn and ask him about something you don’t know the answer to.” She rolled her eyes and Mige wheeled her to the sliding glass and opened one door slowly and quietly to make Ville think it was him, then pushed her chair over the threshold and closed the sidling door quickly. Locking Mina and Ville outside.


Ville turned his head to see what Mige wanted and sat up in surprise as he saw his wife staring out at the city. Had she come out on her own? One look at the doors told him no. Mige was standing and laughing as he made a locking motion then tossed the imaginary key over his shoulder and walked away. Ville sighed heavily turning back to the dim stars.

Several seconds ticked by, the only sound was their breathing and the occasional car driving past the hotel on the road so far below them.

“Are you...alright?” Ville asked suddenly, albeit a bit awkwardly. Mina jumped, startled, then nodded.




“Angelica really loves you.”

“Yes.” she croaked out for a third time.

“Mina, I...I want to apologize to you darling.” Mina finally turned to look at her husband and sighed heavily when she saw the regret in his eyes. He thought he’d been the one that had wronged her. It was the complete opposite. She shook her head meaning that he didn’t have to apologize and his face fell into a slight pout as he nodded. “Ok, you don’t want to hear it. I know I’ve been a cunt, but it’s just...”

“No.” Mina snapped. “I..ap..apol..ogize. T..t.to you.”

He frowned, his brows drawing together in confusion and she sighed once more then pulled her ever present note pad and pen from the side of her chair and started writing.

I’m the one that’s been pushing you away and not dealing with things. And not for your lack of trying. I just don’t...understand it really. How I feel I mean. And then you won’t really talk about my past so I’m even more confused and so I’ve been pushing you away. I understand that it’s hard on you as well, knowing everything about me when I know nothing at all. Except that I’m scared of heights, and so I apologize to you.

“What do you mean how you feel?” He asked softly. How does she feel?

Mina grimaced and looked away from him quickly. There was no way in hell she’d be able to explain to him how she felt. Especially when she wasn’t sure herself.

Nothing, she wrote quickly. It’s nothing important.

“Everything is important Mina, my love. Now, tell me what’s wrong baby.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her up from her chair, trading places with her and pulling her down onto his lap. She blushed and he laughed quietly then frowned when he noticed how tense she was. “Why so tense darling?” She sighed.

It feels weird.

“What feels weird?”

She gestured between them quickly, looking down at her notepad to keep from seeing the look on his face.

“I’m not following you, baby.” She growled then started scribbling on the paper wondering if he’d always been this dense.

I feel like. . .I love you. And it’s weirding me out because I don’t know why. And when you touch me it makes me feel funny. Not like. . .off funny, but like. . . you know? And that weirds me out because I don’t why I feel like that and I don’t want to think it’s just because you’re cute. I want you to touch me and hold me like this. But I don’t know why.

She hugged the notebook to herself quickly, hoping he hadn’t already read what she was writing and took a deep breath to still herself before handing him the book and turning to stare out over the city. Forcing herself not to feel awkward as she sat on his lap while he read her reason for avoidance. It was almost comedic. Or would have been if not for the situation that made her uncomfortable. If she’d never been injured she wouldn’t feel like this though.

“Mina, minun rakas?” She shook, hugging herself tightly and he frowned. Is she crying? “Sweetheart, look at me.” she shook her head, sniffling, and he sighed heavily. “It’s nothing to be ashamed about Mina. Feelings don’t just...urges...I don’t know why you feel like you love me. I don’t know what to say to that other than the fact that we were in love. Very much in love and that’s probably why you feel like you do. Why you feel like you love me. Because you did. As for feeling funny when I touch you...I’d like to think that it is because I’m cute. Love and lust coincide with each other kulta. I don’t really think that one can completely exist without the other.”

Mina sniffed one last time then finally looked at him, tears shining in her eyes. “Is it wr...” he shook his head cutting her off even though he knew he shouldn’t have. She wasn’t going to be able to speak if he didn’t let her.

“No, it’s not wrong for you to feel that way. You felt like that before too. When we were first dating.” She smiled weakly and he nodded wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. She snuggled into his embrace and rested her head on his shoulder. “You were just coming out of a long relationship when we met. Some asshole that didn’t treat you as you should have been treated. That’s why you were in Helsinki. Taking a vacation to get away from home and your memories of him. But you had decided that the reason you and he had stayed together for so long was because you, and I’m quoting you here. ‘Put out on the first date and every date after that’. So you weren’t going to sleep with me until you were sure about us.” She giggled and he grinned hugging her tighter.

“How long?” she whispered. He laughed.

“Six and a half months.”

“How?” She asked laughing with him. He lifted his hand and showed her the calluses from his many years of playing guitar, trying to make her think that he had gotten them from wanking so much. She giggled shaking her head and he grinned. “Did not.”

“Quite a bit actually. It was hard. We both wanted each other, but because you had set your mind to it we weren’t going to sleep together. And we didn’t. Not until I asked you to marry me. We were in Minnesota at the time. We went back to get some of your things ready to have them shipped to Helsinki and we went walking and saw the store. We went in Moody’s and looked at the rings. We had talked about getting married a little bit, but never seriously, you wouldn’t let me be serious. You still insisted that we were just friends. We just went into the store to play really. You wouldn’t tell me which ring you liked so I just picked the one that you stared at the most and made them hold it until I could go back after it by myself. I asked you to marry me that weekend and we’ve been together ever since.”


Mige grinned watching the couple talking and laughing together then looked down at Angelica as she took his hand. She smiled happily and he nodded then looked back to Ville and Mina. It looked like she hadn’t forgotten who he was. Like things were back to normal, but he knew that they weren’t quiet there yet. It would be a while before Mina regained her memory. If she ever did.

At least the couple had finally talked. Now they were just that much closer to Mina’s past.

ville valo, valo/ofc

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