(no subject)

Mar 26, 2009 00:18

Title: Yours
Pairing: Ville and OFC
Rating: G - PG13 For now.
Disclaimer: Apparently it’s illegal to own people, but I do own a couple OC’s and a bit of the basic plot line.
Summary: A woman wakes from a five year coma only to learn that she has a husband and daughter she doesn’t remember.
A/N: I totally apologize for not updating sooner. My computer has decided to eat everything that I had written from about three months ago until last week. Including several chapters from this story. It's a pain in the arse to rewrite everything from memory. This and more than likely the next few chapters will not be beta'd I'm afraid. My bad on that, but my niece is ill so I just don't have time to send them off.  Thanks Midge for beta'ing the chapters that I was able to send you. *hugs*

Previous Chapters

Mina didn’t know where the teddy bear comment had come from, but Ville and the man he had called Mikko apparently did. They both stared at her in shock as she had pulled away and she shrugged her shoulders then wrote a question mark on the paper. Ville smiled softly wondering if it was just a fluke and she had called Mige a teddy bear because he was cuddly to hug or if it was some memory trying to work it’s way to the front of her mind.

"You used to call him a teddy bear." She grinned then wrote down Mikko = Teddy Bear on her notepad with the list of Finnish words. Mikko was apparently Finnish too so he went on the word list. Ville and Mige laughed quietly as she smiled and Mina motioned for Mige to sit then started writing once he had. She had so many questions and knew that the two men who were apparently closest to her would have most if not all of the answers.

Ville and Mige watched as Mina scribbled frantically, both of them wondering if she was even going to stop as she flipped to the third sheet of paper. She did have to run out of questions eventually. They both looked up as the doctor stepped to the end of her bed, but she never noticed as she wrote. He stared at her, smiling sadly as he saw the questions on the paper and wished that he could do something to help her remember. Ville and Mige would have to help her.

"Mina?" She looked up at him frowning slightly as it meant she had to pause in her writing then sighed lowering her gaze back to the paper. It was probably enough questions and more than likely more than what Ville and Mige would be able to answer. "How are you feeling today?" He asked quietly, in hopes that he wouldn’t wake up Angelica.

Mina shrugged and flipped her paper over before writing, "Confused." He nodded.

"We’re going to start your tests here in a few minutes, and I’m going to schedule you for physical therapy later this afternoon. If everything turns out alright, even though I’d like to keep you for another few days, I think after tomorrow I’ll let you go home. I’d like you to get a hang of your therapy and get Ville familiarized with it as well. That way you can continue with it when you get home." Mina nodded still wondering where exactly home was.

Ville hadn’t told her, but judging by the time it had taken him and Angelica to get to the hospital after Mina had woken up it had to be far away. He spoke Finnish so it must have been in Finland though didn’t it? So if he lived in Finland, where the fuck was she? Of course she could be in Finland and their home be somewhere else? Maybe they all lived in Minnesota now or something.

"Mina?" She looked to Ville frowning slightly. Had he been talking? "Are you all right darling?" She almost laughed and he smiled softly. "He asked if you thought you were ready for the physical therapy because it’s going to be difficult." She nodded. She hated feeling so weak and useless. "And he said that you’re going to have to start trying to talk. Even if you don’t want to because you sound wrong."

She nodded again, biting her bottom lip and manage to squeak out a rough, "Ok."

Three hours later Mina was wheeled into her hospital room and smiled when she saw Mige sitting at the small table under the wide window that took up the entire length of the wall. He looked up at her when she cleared her throat and smiled and waved then told her that Ville had gotten a cab to the hotel so he and Angelica could get cleaned up. Then they were going to take her down to the cafeteria for dinner. She scrunched her nose at the idea of more hospital food, even though she’d have to eat it for another couple days, and Mige laughed. "I know. It’s pretty decent here though. Compared to other places I’ve been." She smiled then waited as the male nurse lifted her back onto the bed and left the room before trying to speak.

"M..Mik..ko." He smiled then moved to the chair next to her bed.

"What is it Mina?" She shook her head shrugging her shoulders. She had just wanted to see if she could pronounce his name properly. She picked up her notepad and flipped through the pages to a question she had been meaning to ask about Ville. She figured Mikko might have the answer and it was less. . . awkward asking him than Ville. Mikko laughed as she tapped the question with her finger and she smiled sheepishly. "He’s thirty-two."

Mina’s eyebrows rose, he was younger than she was? How’d that happen? It was only two years, granted, but still. A whole new series of questions flooded her mind and she scribbled the most important on the margin of the paper. How old was he when they had met? When she’d gotten pregnant? How old was..well..she could do the math on her own, but her mind was still reeling from the fact that Ville was two years younger than she was. Mikko laughed again.

"You met Ville when you were twenty-seven. You’d gone to Helsinki on vacation and ran into him..well..almost into him. You can’t drive a stick and you almost ran over him with the car that you were driving." He told her grinning madly the entire time. Even more so when she gasped looking absolutely horrified.

"I..h.hit..him?" She asked in shock. Mikko shook his head.

"I said almost hit him. He was walking out of a store and you were driving past and he wasn’t paying attention and you stalled the car when you tried to stop and nearly hit him. I wish I’d been there to see it, but from what Ville says the look on your face now matches what you looked like then. He was the one that almost got run down, but he was having to comfort you."

She shook her head, still horrified that she had almost run over her husband and wondered why the hell she’d been driving stick anyway. Who was the dumb ass that had turned her loose in one and why? Had they wanted her to kill someone?

"Mina? We’re back, love." Ville called as he and Angelica walked into the room carrying shopping bags. He hadn’t even thought to see if she was sleeping or not. He was too excited to show her what they had bought.

"Mama!" Angelica gushed running into the room ahead of Ville and climbing up the bed. Mina smiled forgetting all about hitting Ville with a car and held her arms out to the beautiful girl dressed in a pink dress with ribbons and bows as she walked across the bed. Angelica didn’t care if her mama sounded scary when she talked. She had missed her too much and loved her too much to care. Just so long as her mama didn’t try to talk much.

Mina smiled hugging her tightly then just smiled and nodded silently as Angelica rambled in broken English, substituting the words she didn’t know with Finnish. They’d gone shopping for Mina some clothes and daddy had let her pick most of them out. Except for a bright green shirt that she liked. Angelica could have sworn that mommy would like it. Especially the bright pink dots that were on it, but daddy had shook his head and said no. And something about mama not being caught alive in it. She really didn’t understand how mommy could not like it, but daddy seemed to think that she wouldn’t. So she had picked out a purple shirt with black hearts and roses painted on it instead.

Ville smiled listening to his daughter brag on and on about the clothes they had bought Mina as he lay them out on the bed for her to see and looked up to catch Mina’s eyes from the clothes. Smiling even more when he saw the love Mina already held in her eyes for their daughter.

Mina felt Ville staring at her and lifted her eyes from Angelica and saw tears pooling in his jade eyes even though there was a brilliant smile on his face. He blinked them back and she smiled realizing that he was happy. He must have been wishing for this moment for so long. How had he managed for so long without her? Especially as he was raising their daughter. Probably he had family to help him, but even still it must have been hard.

"Do you like, mama?" Angelica asked quietly as she stared up at her mama’s face. Mina looked down at her and nodded then leaned down and kissed her pixie’s nose. She couldn’t quite tell if their daughter had Ville’s nose or her own, but it was rather cute and she couldn’t help but give it a quick kiss. Ville and Mige laughed as Angelica scrunched her nose then giggled and pressed a quick kiss to Mina’s cheek then clambered down off of the bed to pick an outfit for her mama to wear to their dinner down in the cafeteria.

"Let’s get you cleaned up and dressed sweetheart." Ville smiled as he laid out the last outfit he had bought Mina while out with their daughter. Angelica lifted an outfit from the bed and Mina’s eyes widened and she shook her head backing away from Ville when he held his hand out. There was no way in hell that, that..God..standing in front of her was seeing her naked. Even if he was her husband and father of her only child. And just because he’d obviously seen her naked before didn’t mean he was going to see her naked now. No way in freaking hell.

ville valo, valo/ofc

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