Showtime.. &.. The Truth Comes Out

Nov 01, 2008 14:42

Sparks of Emerald
Author: Ville_Lovve (Me!)
Summary: Holly meets Ville in a funny way at a young age. With burying her past behind her, she quickly becomes best friends with him. Will their concealed silent screams for eachother come to surface?
Rating: 14 A+
Warning: Swearing, Mature content, sexual relations
Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction. Ville own's himself, Bam owns himself, everybody else famous owns themselves. I own Holly, the characters related to her, the plot, this story, my imagination, and a very fat cat named Keara.







Chapter 14

You stomped your way back downstairs, having no idea what you were doing, where you were going, and what your intentions were. When you got to the bottom you unzipped your black boots and threw them on the floor. You felt so frustrated. It is quite ironic actually. Both of your sisters like Ville. A lot. Great. This shall be interesting.

You walked into the living room, where Bam, Ville, Raab and Ryan were laughing at Dico and Novak for some unknown reason. You stood in the doorway leaning against it, and had one leg crossing at your ankle and had you arms folded on your chest. You stared at Ville; just because. And just seeing him smile made your heart melt, leaving a smile on your face as well. He was always good at doing that. You laughed and shook your head, looking down at your feet. You looked back up and saw Ville looking at you with the sweetest smile. Again, a smile went across your face.

"Come 'ere Holly." He said, waving you over.

You uncrossed your arms and pranced over to the spot beside him and plopped down.

Raab looked at you. "So how do you know that chick? She's hot. Is she like, one of your ex's?"

You made a gagging face. "No! She's my sister."

Everyone stared at you in shock, except for Ville. He kind of met her before, at some sleepovers. And that night she barged in on you and Ville. "What?" You asked the staring eyes.

"Wow. How does it feel to know that Bam'll be fucking your sister?" Novak said holding up the remote to his lips, pretending it was a microphone. He held it up to your lips to respond.

You swatted it away. "I wouldn't be surprised it she did. And frankly, I don't care." You spat with hostility. You must be starting your period soon.

"Ooo's" went around the room. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms and legs.

Ville put an arm around you. "Hey." He pulled at your arm slightly to get your attention.

You looked at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked. God, I’m too easy to read.

My sister wants to fuck you. "Nothing." You mumbled.

He leaned over and gave you a kiss on the cheek before getting up. "Beer anyone?" He rephrased his question, knowing the answer. "Everyone?" We all nodded.

The guys engaged in their own conversations leaving you with your thoughts, which you refused to think about. You counted the DVD's on Bam's entertainment center. You got to 26 until Ville came back in with an armful of beers.

Novak jumped on Bam. "Dude, get your ass upstairs. She's waiting for you man." He said, rubbing his nipples.

Bam pushed him off laughing. "You’re so fucking queer."

"But he's right." He said, raising his voice. "Time to unleash the beast!" Bam held up his beer bottle. All the guys cheered and you hit Ville in the chest.

"She's my sister." You told him. He just nodded. "Sorry, Hol. Just being a moron." He smirked.

You tapped his cheek. "I know." You giggled. You chugged your beer in record time and threw it at Novak's head, just because he was the closest, other than Ville.

"What the fuck Holly?" He asked rubbing his head. The guys followed your move by throwing the rest of the bottles at him. The room as filled with everyone's laughter, except for Novak's.

Raab threw his bottle at him last, beer sloshing all over Novak's face.

"What the fuck? There was beer in that one!" He shouted. Everyone burst into a fit of hysterics.

That's when you noticed you were still damp, and wanted a change of clothes. "I'm getting dressed." You announced getting up.

"I need clean clothes as well." Ville said, bolting for the stairs. You rolled your eyes. Men.

When you got near the top you heard Ville snickering. You were about to ask about what, but then you heard it. Moaning. Screaming. Headboards. Growling.

"Ew." You hissed. A second later all the noise stopped.

You heard muffled voices. "Ah, that was so fucking good." Said Bam.

"Fucking right." Ivy giggled.

Ville looked at you and you guys tried not to laugh. You put a finger to the back of your throat, and hacked.

"That's so disturbing." You said.

Ville chuckled.

"It's my fucking sister!" You giggled.

Ville grabbed your wrist. "Want to get back at her?"

"How?" You asked.

"Follow my lead." He said, and brought you to the bathroom, knowing Bam or Ivy would go there to get cleaned up.

You got in there and he closed the door, leaving a tiny space open. He sat on the sink and waited. You just stood there, completely clueless.

"How is-"

"Shh." Ville said, putting a finger to his lips. You obeyed.

You leaned back on the cool tiled wall and closed your eyes.

You heard Bam's door open and looked at Ville.

"Show time." He said walking towards you.

And since I couldn't leave you guys hanging like that I put up chapter 15 as well! Enjoy sweethearts!

Chapter 15

He took your hand and brought you over to the bathtub. Ville looked in his pants for a second, to check if he was wearing any underwear. Thankfully, he was. He blew out a sigh of relief. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants after looking at you. You finally understood what he was doing, and you grabbed his wrist.

"Ville, I'm not having sex with you, in a bathroom, to get back at my sister!" You hissed quietly at him.

Ville smacked his palm on his forehead. "No! Oh God no. Just pretend." He laughed at himself for not elaborating.

A look of realization spread across your face. "Oh!" You said, laughing.

You heard footsteps approaching the door. Ville looked at you to see if you were going to go through with it, freezing his hands on his pant line. You moved you hand to signal him to continue, and he dropped his pants to his ankles, leaving him in his red boxers. He sat on the bathtub waving his hand at you. You climbed on top on his lap and gave him a kiss before starting.

"Oh, Holly." He moaned loudly, trying to not laugh. Seeing him trying not to laugh, made you snicker. He put a finger to his lips.

You regained control, breathing out heavily. You put your dress over Ville's boxers so it looked like you both weren't wearing anything underneath. The light, joking matter in the air was completely washed away and replaced with a serious essence as you started grinding on him, moaning for real. He leaned back so his back was on the wall, above the bathtub and gripped your hips and helped you rock on him.

You heard someone approaching the door, so you grinding on him faster, and moaned out loud.

"Ville, oh yeah!" You yelled.

"Faster Holly, faster!" Ville moaned.

You heard the door creak open, displaying your play. You both felt aroused, excited, and felt like exploding with laughter all at the same time. Ville reached up and cupped your breast and threw his head back. At first you were surprised, but thought that it was just for show.

"What the hell?" Bam yelled, looking at his best childhood friends, 'fuck'.

"Hol." Ivy gasped. 2 in 1! Fucking yeah!

At that, you and Ville both burst out laughing, stopping your sexual moves. You hopped off of Ville, exposing his red boxers and risen dick. You started laughing harder. Ville stood up from the tub and pulled his pants up.

He held his hands up. "Not my fault." He chuckled.

Bam than realized what’s going on. "Oh. Yeah." He nodded, very amused. "Very funny."

Ivy just stared at you. Like, stared. With hatred in her gaze. You winced at the hostility your sister was showing you.

It wiped the smile right off your face. You couldn't understand why she looked so mad- no, so furious. She looked like she was going to pounce on you at any moment in time, and kill you.

You stared back at her in shock, and in fear. You felt like a deer in headlights.

"Ivory." You said reaching out to touch her arm. She swatted it away, harshly. You stared in awe.

The guys just looked at both of you, silence filling the room.

"Why?" You asked her.

She just stared at you.

Bam went to go hug Ivory, but she dodged his arms and ran out of the bathroom, stomping her heals on the ground.

You looked up at Ville, not knowing what to do.

"I could try and talk to her?" He grumbled.

You chewed on your lip. It could be about Ville. And any chance of her to open up is with Ville because she really lusts for him. You nodded, crossing your arms uncomfortably.

He kissed the top of your forehead and walked out of the bathroom towards Bam's room. You looked up at Bam and he shrugged. You walked out of the bathroom and went to Bam's room also, putting an ear on the door.

"Are you alright, Ivory?" Ville asked.

You heard Ivy breathe out in a rush. "I'm fine."

"Why did you react the way you did?" Ville asked, kindly.

"I didn't." You heard her mumble.

You heard Ville sigh. After a few moments there was a commotion.

You grew antsy, pressing your face on the door, gripping the handle.

"Ivory, no. Get off." You heard Ville say.

Not a second longer you thrusted the door open and it hit the wall, leaving a dent, and causing Ivy to jump. But not enough to jump off of Ville. There she was, straddling Ville in her black dress. Ville's hands were by his head, palms up, trying to stay as far away as possible.

"You're fucking kidding me!" You yelled at Ivy. "Get the fuck off of him!"

She arched down, placing a huge forced kiss on Ville's mouth, before he pushed her off. She grew angry and got off of the bed, walking towards you.

"You get everything! Everything Holly! Every single damn thing was always about you!" She screamed.

You stared at her, taken aback. "What? About me? Are you fucking stupid Ivy? You were always the center of attention!"

"Gosh, you’re so idiotic! You’re the one that always got the guys! You’re the one that ruined this family! You’re the one that's always looking for sympathy you sickining lesbo!"

You gasped, bringing tears to your eyes. Ville got up and stood in front of you two, pushing you apart. He didn't want a replay of Holly and Roxie.

"I am not looking for sympathy! You don't even know half of the shit I went through! You know nothing!" You screamed at her at the top of your lungs. Your throat already hurt and your face was beet red.

"Oh please! Stop being such a drama queen! Everything was always about you either way. Even at school!" She yelled.

"Ladies, please!" Ville said. And was completely ignored.

You rolled your eyes and scoffed. "You were the attention-grabber. You were the popular one! You were always with your prep friends-"

Ivy cut you off by screaming louder. "You were always the freak! The loner! The screw-up! The bisexual! The fucking Goth! And you still got more attention than me! You have everything you've always wanted."

You were about to interrupt her before she fired off again.

"You got the attention from Violet, from all the guys, and you have Ville Valo! Fucking him!" She pointed at him.

I did. I had a lot. Ville was the most remarkable. You stood there. Thinking. Embracing. You smiled at Ville when he grabbed your hand.

"Your right Ivy. But it wasn't all peaches and cream." You said, lowering your voice.

"Oh, please! Your life is near fucking perfect!" She yelled again, throwing her hands in the air.

"My life is nowhere near perfect! You don't know half the crap I went through! Dad-"

Ivy cut you off. "Always picked you as his favourite!" She yelled, throwing words in your mouth.

You started crying. "Favourite! Favourite! You have no fucking clue what he put me through did you! Don't even start it!" You screamed at her.

"All he did was do shit for you! He tried to help you like guys so you wouldn't be such a freak! He did everything for you-"

"Help me? All he fucking accomplished was me to hate guys even more! They all fucking raped me Ivy! He did nothing good for me! Nothing!" You screamed, louder than you ever thought possible. There was no doubt that the whole house heard you. You broke down into tears.

"What!?" Ville shouted. You've forgotten that you've never told him. It scared you shitless. He was so angry.

He looked at you with fury in his eyes. "Who raped you? What happened?" He said, trying to calm himself down. You responded by breaking down crying.

Ville wrapped his arms around you, and you buried yourself in his chest and cradling your arms. You heard Ivy gasp.

"You watched me cry myself to sleep every night Ivy. How could you not understand?" You sobbed.

You closed your eyes tightly on Ville's chest, weeping hard. He stroked your back and kissed your forehead. "It's alright, Holly. Never again. I promise, never again." He told you.

You heard footsteps going across from you and heading out Bam's door.  You wrapped your arms around Ville, pulling him closer to you.

"Ville." You cried, just needing him to hold you.

"Shh. It's okay." He hugged you tighter, burying his face in your hair.

You stayed like that for a couple minutes before breaking the embrace and silently going to bed.

Tiny Preview to Chapter 16. (P.S Don't murder me in my sleep because of the cliffie.. Pwease!)

You awoke silently but didn't move just yet because you were too lazy to get up. You had the weirdest dream last night. It started as you hanging out with everybody as friends. Then Ivy turned into a witch and wanted to murder you for your blood, because blood makes her magic stronger. She was tagging everyone along like they were her friends and told them about murdering you and they had no problem with it. Even Ville didn't care. But then she told you after she killed you, she was going to kill your friends. You called your parents and told them you loved them before trying to run away. Then Ivy caught you. Then you woke up.

There was a tiny twitching on your fingers. Someone was holding your hand, and cuddling into you from behind. You untwined your hand from their fingers and turn around to see who it was. When you saw them you nearly shit your pants...

ville valo

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