Tell me you love me...

Aug 01, 2008 00:17

I'm leaving soon, so I decided to post several chapters

Written by: me
Genre: Romance
Rating: It Changes
Pairing: Ville, OFC
Summary: What happens when you have quarrel at school?

Note: this story doesn’t exist.

Chapter 4

"it's ok Ville" Lauri said smiling. Ville nodded and took a seat next to Linde. he took Linde's beer and sipped it.
"soo... what's up" he asked noticing everyone was silent."something's wrong"
"nope" Lily said. Ville nodded again and sipped beer. Linde glared at him, then sighed and ordered another beer for himself.
"how are things going on with the new song Ville?" Linde asked
"umm... well" he said thinking for a moment " ok I guess, I've got some ideas, but it's still not finished, I hope we'll be able to play on the new year's eve in SEmifinal Club"
"you're playing in Semifinal Club?" Manna asked amazed. Ville stared at her noticing for the first time
"What the fuck are you doing here with my friends?" He glared
"for your information, they are MY friends too" she hissed
"hey guys, guys, stop it. " Liisa said "we're here to have fun, not to fight" Ville and Manna both glared at eachother.
"I came here to have fun, but SOMEBODY..." Manna looked at Lily who grinned innocently "...didn't tell me that HE was going to be here"
"I didn't know you were going to be here too" Ville said angrily " I have enough of you at school" Manna sighed and sipped her beer.
"will you two fucking shut up and let us enjoy this evening. you can go fight somwhere else" Paavo said. they both shut up.
the rest of the evening went calmly.

Manna was sorting books and Ville was cleaning the floor. They never talked during their 'work'. Manna finished with books and looked around. classroom seemed...normal. she sighed and looked at Ville. his hair was in a mess, he had concerned look on his face as he was moving his brush helplessly. Manna giggled. he stopped and looked up
"what's funny?"he asked
"nothing" she said shaking her head.
"no, tell me" Ville said interested
"you were" she giggled again "you had such a concerned look"
"oh" Ville smiled. *WTF* she thought "I've never done this kind of things before, you know..."
"yeah, I noticed" she said. Ville smiled and went on with cleaning. "you know, you're not doing it right."
"I'm not?" he asked surprised. she nodded. "want me to show how it's right?" Ville nodded. she stood up and took the brush from him. Ville looked carefully as she moved it.
"ok, I got it" he said taking it from her." like this?" he asked showing. she nodded. she picked yp her coat and bag. she was about to walk out when Ville called
"hey Manna" Manna turned around. Ville stared at her for a moment "thanks" he said smiling. she smiled back and went out.

what the fuck is wrong with him? she thought on her way back home. why's he so nice? is he really sorry for what he's done? "god Valo you're so fucking difficult" she sighed opening her door and going in.

Chapter 5


"Has he lost his mind? Can he see or is he blind? Can he walk at all, Or if he moves will he fall?" Manna jumped on the desk using her brush as a guitar "Is he alive or dead? Has he thoughts within his head? We'll just pass him there why should we even care?" she jupmed from it "He was turned to steel in the great magnetic field, Where he travelled time for the future of mankind" she kicked the door open and went into another room carrying her 'guitar' with "Nobody wants him, He just stares at the world. Planning his vengeance that he will soon unfold " she jumped kicked the chair from her way "Now the time is here for Iron Man to spread fear. Vengeance from the grave, Kills the people he once saved " she jumped on the other desk 'playing' guitar solo "Nobody wants him, They just turn their heads, Nobody helps him, Now he has his revenge Heavy boots of lead fills his victims full of dread, Running as fast as they can, Iron Man lives again! oh yeee!" she finished jumping from the desk. she looked up and saw Ville standing in the doorway with rounded eyes staring at her.
"umm..."she said grinning. Ville grinned too.
"I didn't know you liked Black Sabbath" he said rising his eyebrow. Manna smiled.
"well... yeah, kind of..." she said
"kind of?" Ville asked again
"ok... a lot!" she said "my favourite one is Iron Man"
"ye, good song" Ville agreed.
"who else do you like?" he asked sitting down
"umm... I like Kiss too" she said smiling
"I like them too" he said smiling back. there was a silence for a moment. Ville was playing with his fingers nervously. Manna looked at him carefully trying to understand what was he up to
"umm... Manna" he began
"about earlier... I'm very sorry. about your relatives. I... I really didn't mean to" he said looking at her. she looked away.
"ye I know. "she nodded "good you apologised" Ville looked down guiltyly.
"have you finished cleaning?" Manna asked changing the theme
"umm... yeah" Ville answered
"ok then. I'll go" Manna said standing up.
"no no wait" Ville stopped her holding her arm "may be we should go for a drink tonight?" he asked looking ionto her eyes again.
"umm... ok I guess" she said
"great! I'll pick you up at seven then" Ville smiled and let her hand go...

Chapter 6

The long beep of the phone. somebody picked it,
"Hello" said the voice
"Lily" Manna said
"oh hey, what's up?" she asked cheerfully
"umm... nothing much. listen, I gotta talk to you." she said nervously
"I'm listening"
"today Ville invited me for a drink"
"you there?"
"I guess. well, may be he's sorry for what he did and wants to apologize?"
"yeah I think so." Manna sighed "he'll pick me up at seven"
"owww, he's even going to pick you up eh?" Lily said in a teasing way. "what time is it?"
"it's ummm..." she looked at the clock "6:46"
"and are you ready?"
"yeah sure" Manna said. suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"he's here,"Manna said nervously for her amazement
"but it's a bit early"
"yeah I know. I'll call you later ok?"
"ok" Manna hung up and went towards the door she straitened her hair and clothes and opened it. Ville was standing in the doorway smiling shyly. he had dark jeans and black coat with big black boots, his hair in a mess as usual.
"hey" Mannaa smiled
"hey" Ville smiled back "are you ready?"
"yes just let me get my coat." Manna said grabbing her coat and beg and closing the door behind her. They walked down the snowy street. they stopped in front of the bar. Ville smiled and opened the door for her. Manna smiled back and stepped in. they went to the corner, set down and ordered beer. Manna looked around. The bar was filled with the smoke. around them were few people, most of them older. they were sitting at their tables and not paying attention to the young couple. Manna looked at Ville he was lookimg at his fingers nervously playing with them. he looked up and smiled at her, she smiled back. this silence was getting uncomfortable
"sooo... are you going anywhere for christmas?" Ville finally asked
"no, I'm grounded remember" Manna giggled "for breaking your nose" she added silently
Ville nodded and looked down.
"I was planning to go with my parents and my baby brother to thailand. we spent last christmas and new year there" Ville said
"and I was going with my family skiing. I turned sixteen so I could stay a week or two after they would leave. my brother was allowed too when he turned sixteen." Manna said "I guess it won't be until next year" Ville nodded sippimg his beer...

after two hours

"so I told him to **** off" Manna said giggling drunkly. Ville downed his glass and ordered another.
"yeah, that kind of guys get on my nerves too. when I was in Turku visiting my aunt, there was this guy following me with no reason" Ville said. "but I just ignored him and he ****ed off" Manna rised eyebrow drinking beer. Ville smiled "ok I punched him two or three times" Manna giggled. then she looked down
"I'm... "she began.
"you're what?" Ville asked. Manna looked up. Ville was smiling at her. he wasn't drunk at all. Manna closed her eyes and opened after a minute.
"drunk" Ville giggled.
"sure you are" he said helping her stand up. "come on, I'll take you home" he said wrapping his arms around her. she buried her head in her chest. they left the bar and began to walk towards their house. Manna closed her eyes and took in deep breath. he smelled of cigarettes and something sweet she couldn't tell. Ville tightened his grip around her and pulled closer. the street was empty, the lights were shhining the flackes that were falling down on them. they stopped in front of her house.
"you want me to help you in or you'll manage yourself?" Ville asked. Manna pulled away from him and looked at him. she shook her head.
"no thanks I'm fine" she said half asleep. Ville nodded and let her go. she walked slowly to her door and opened it. she turned around. Ville was standing smiling.
"thanks for the evening" she said smiling. Ville saluted her and Manna giggled closing the door. she went towards her bedroom still grinning and passed out fully dressed on the bed.

ville valo, valo/ofc

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